I had a dream a few nights ago that the Spirit has continued to interpret for me. At first it seemed somewhat disjointed, but as He has given me understanding, I see the whole picture and the message He wanted me to get. Now I feel led to pass it on, as it is something we must ALL get! Matthew 10:16: "I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Therefore be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves."
In my dream John and I were leading a Shabbat service in a big park with large, green rolling hills, a couple of sheltered picnic areas and a BBQ pit. Our usual small congregation was present and we had just begun setting food out on the tables to share, when I looked over the hill and saw hundreds and hundreds of people approaching. My heart leapt with joy! In my great excitement I felt that surely the time had finally come when many would be seeking truth and would come to celebrate the Sabbath and learn of Yeshua, the Messiah. How wrong I was! In our "harmless as doves" state, we forget the Lord's caution that we must also stay fully alert and be "wise as serpents." I suppose you could say having a serpent's wisdom is to be "street-smart," aware of the wolves around you, discerning who really desires truth and who is operating in deception.
As these crowds began to swarm around our tables, we were offering food to the first few who came, and I began teaching from the Word of God. In a loud voice I was sharing verses of Scripture, feeling certain I must be fulfilling the prophecy of Amos when he said, "...there will be a famine, not for food, but for the Word of God." But the food on our tables quickly ran out and the people became angry. They mocked me and derided me, shouting, "We don't want your God! We want real food!" Some threw things at us, others just turned around and left.
Just after this my ex-husband came walking up to our congregation and bitterly scorned me, telling the people, "She is a murderer! She killed my son!" His horrifying lie and the mocking of the crowds was almost more than I could bear; and then I woke up.
Over time the Lord has spoken to me about this dream and said, "You need to be prepared for these days. Do not be so innocent as to think that all people will want to know Me and know the Truth. Narrow is the way to salvation and few will find it; this is because few will even desire it. Do not throw your pearls before swine, and do not give away food that will sustain My family to the enemy's family. Be wise. Be discerning. Listen to My Voice. For many will mock you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil things about you. But you hold fast to the faith and do not be moved. As the days grow darker, you will receive more light."
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