In a former post about finding our purpose, I spoke about the blind man in John Chapter 9. The Lord is still speaking to me about that blind man! Not only was blindness used for his purpose on this earth, to give God the glory, but I believe his blindness was also used to teach him to trust in God. He had to learn to depend on Him totally.
Have you ever experienced a season of "blindness" when you can't "see" anything in the spiritual realm, and you simply have to submit and be led around? That is not a bad place to be -- it is a time of learning to trust.
Trusting in God a lot means you're telling everybody what you're going through. Trusting in God ALONE means He is leading you, and in silence you are learning and following.
John 9:6: "...He spit on the ground and made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. 'Go,' He told him, 'wash in the pool of Siloam' (this word means sent). So the man went and washed and came home seeing."
The man is sent to the Pool of Sent. How far did he have to go? What "mission" was Jesus sending him on? It was a mission of trust. Why? Because however far he had to walk, he was still blind!! And just because somebody put some mud on his eyes, why would he think he was really going to be healed when he finally got to this pool of "sent"? What a picture of a faith walk! Jesus was not just sending the blind man to the pool, He was leading him on a journey of faith, holding fast to him, teaching him what it means to blindly follow in silence, and trust.