While on our journey in the deep South, someone gave us the gift of a little book entitled Yiddish Wisdom for Marriage. Oh, what precious nuggets are buried within the pages of this little treasure! Today I read this proverb from the book, and after reading it, many things were quickened to my spirit. I believe it is for us all: "If it is not what one wishes, then one must want what it is."
The Spirit began to speak to me: "Stop spending time remembering how things used to be. Don't waste time wishing a spouse or a friend would be more like so-and-so, or pondering how you can change them for the better. Why do you look back at what once was, instead of embracing the new trail that your Father desires to blaze for you? You even cling to things, beliefs, and traditions that keep you in a stagnant holding pattern, instead of shedding the old wineskins so that I can fill you with new wine!
"If it is not what you wish - then want what it is! I am enough. My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness. Rejoice in what is! Want what you have, and treasure it! Decorate your life with what I have given you and give thanks."
The Spirit began to speak to me: "Stop spending time remembering how things used to be. Don't waste time wishing a spouse or a friend would be more like so-and-so, or pondering how you can change them for the better. Why do you look back at what once was, instead of embracing the new trail that your Father desires to blaze for you? You even cling to things, beliefs, and traditions that keep you in a stagnant holding pattern, instead of shedding the old wineskins so that I can fill you with new wine!
"If it is not what you wish - then want what it is! I am enough. My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness. Rejoice in what is! Want what you have, and treasure it! Decorate your life with what I have given you and give thanks."