All througout the long journey Moses had done everything possible to preserve unity in the children of Israel, knowing that the devil always gains a foothold by sowing division among them. In Numbers 32:6-7 he challenges the Reubenites and Gadites, "Shall your countrymen go to war while you sit here? Why do you discourage the Israelites from going over into the Land the LORD has given them?"
In the end a concession is made wherein these two tribes must agree to accompany their brothers across the Jordan and fight with them to conquer the land until all the tribes have been settled in their inherited territories. They do make this promise: "We will not return to our homes until every Israelite has received his inheritance. We will not receive any inheritance with them on the other side of the Jordan, because our inheritance has come to us on the east side of the Jordan" (Numbers 32:19). Did they speak prophetically, I wonder? We could look at modern-day Israel and clearly see that the land east of the Jordan no longer belongs to Israel, but rather is controlled by the enemies of Israel.
Our words carry power and often can determine our future. Moses was quick to avert disunity among the tribes by admonishing them to go over the river and fight together as one big family. I believe this lesson reminds us today that we must not hold onto offenses and anger against one another, but rather confront it immediately so that repentance and forgiveness can follow and unity can be restored.
Are you harboring anger against someone who has offended you in the past? Are you holding onto bitterness you have refused to deal with? Is there a wedge in your marriage or family because something has not been confronted and forgiven? Ephesians 4:26 says, "Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold."
More today than ever the body of Messiah needs to take these words to heart. In the coming days we are going to need unity with one another more than we can even begin to imagine. We are going to need to fight against the devil as one strong, unified army - and this unity has to begin within our very homes. Let us not stop "short of crossing the Jordan together" - but rather desire the Promise of our inheritance enough to cross over with our fellow tribes and conquer the enemy!
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