I was feeling utterly overwhelmed. Because our fellowship, David's Tent, was sponsoring a Retreat weekend, I had company coming to stay in my home. I worked a very long day on Friday and then shopped for groceries to be certain I could provide lots of good meals for them. My eye caught sight of my overgrown lawn and all the high weeds around the house. I knew there would be no time to do anything about it.
On Saturday morning my dear friend David came and we spent several hours in the Word, collaborating on what we would teach. By afternoon my company arrived and the weekend was in full gear. We walked outside and I felt so embarrassed by my unsightly lawn. We climbed into separate cars and I let out a desperate cry to the Lord for help: "Abba, where are the men? I need help with my lawn! There is no time, Father! Would you plant it in the heart of a man to help me? I just can't do it all by myself!"
Sunday was our Retreat. It was a truly blessed day in the Lord. We spent many hours feeding on his Word and also enjoyed a picnic in the park together. Then Monday rolled around and I had invited a man from our fellowship to join myself and my company for dinner on Monday evening. When he arrived he walked out with me to my shed to get the charcoal and lighter fluid. Halfway through the overgrown yard, he stopped and looked at me as if totally perplexed. "What's the matter?" I asked him. "I'm just remembering this dream I had," he mused. "I was sleeping in my chair just before I came over and I dreamed that I was mowing your lawn!"
My heart stopped. I remembered my cry to the Father, "Would you plant it in the heart of a man to help me?" God had given this man a dream in response to my prayer. It was incredible! I wondered if he would just laugh it off; but instead, he urgently asked me, "Where's your lawn mower?" I tried to tell him he could wait until morning when it was cooler, but there was no stopping him. The dream had indeed planted it in his heart to do this for me, and before we sat down to enjoy our steaks, my lawn was cut and trimmed and looking like a well-manicured garden!
Is the King of the Universe really interested in something as small as getting your lawn mowed? Test Him! He is your Abba - your Daddy. He knows your needs before you ask - but He takes great delight in your asking.