In the few hours we listened to Walid in a packed church, our Bibles open on our laps, we heard about 1% of the Scriptures that concern Muslim nations. He told us there are approximately 1,352 Bible prophecies mentioning Muslim nations, and almost all of these prophecies are in reference to the end times. From his Middle-Eastern Muslim background he tried to open our Western-cultured eyes to understand about the Beast of Revelation. He made us question: "Why is the Antichrist often referred to as 'the Assyrian' in Isaiah? Why are all the nations that God judges at the end currently Muslim nations?" Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia. In the Bible they are mentioned in names we do not recognize, such as Persia, Edom, Elam, Cush, Put, Babylon, Meshach, Tubal, Dedan. Because these biblical names are unfamiliar to us, did we not understand? Or because our teachers and prophets all used the term "revived Roman Empire" to tell us about the Antichrist and the Beast system, did we fail to look at the ancient boundaries of the Roman Empire? Did we forget that in Yeshua's day even the areas of Israel, Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, etc. were under Roman Empire rule?
Walid convincingly opened my eyes to the truth of the prophecies in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel and Jeremiah. Those prophecies tell of the fierce judgment and wrath of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob coming against modern-day nations that are ALL under Islamic rule - and in examining them more closely through the eyes of this Arabic man who has been transformed by the love of our Messiah, I could not deny the fact that the Bible does flow consistently and seamlessly from the tree of good and evil planted in the garden by the "bad seed" of Lucifer (the original ANTI-Christ), to the description of Mohammed in Isaiah 14:12-13, to the prophecy in Daniel 11:36-45, to the description of "the Assyrian" in Isaiah 10:5-13, to the final prophecy about the beast in Revelation 13:1-8.
Read these scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding. I did not agree with everything Walid Shoebat taught - but I am grateful that we have such teachers among us who are on their knees in prayer and crying out in the wilderness of America's slumber. Just because we do not agree with everything a teacher teaches does not mean we should reject everything he says. My dear sister Theresa sent me a quote yesterday illustrating that none of us yet has perfect understanding or has it all right: "Therefore, do not reject any thing for the harm it may render, nor despise any man for the ugliness within him. Rather, use each thing towards the purpose God conceived it for, and learn from each man all he has to offer."
If you are interested in reading Walid Shoebat's fascinating book, God's War on Terror, you can order it from his website here: http://www.shoebat.com/. And as you read and study these things, remember always that Yeshua has told us all things ahead of time (Matthew 24:25) so that we will keep watch and not be in fear, but in His perfect shalom!