Perhaps some of you have become aware of the so-called "revival" being led by Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida. God TV has been broadcasting it live for several weeks now, and so it is gaining tremendous attention worldwide. I write this caution to all who will hear: we have been warned that signs and wonders would also be performed by the devil in the last days.
It is awesome to see how many people are so deeply hungry for a touch of the Spirit of God; many are flying to Florida from around the world, just hoping for a healing and a "visitation" of the Holy Spirit. But in these times, my friends, we MUST have keen discernment. We have been warned about the wolves in sheep's clothing. I speak this way because I experienced Todd Bentley's ministry first-hand. I traveled with one of his mission teams to South America several years ago - and by the time I returned home I was deeply disturbed by much of what I heard and saw. While on this mission Todd was getting more tattoos and body piercing, and had his hair dyed orange. He did not associate with us as a team, and we were told that was because he spent his days in "private prayer." But one day he did meet with us and instructed us to lie on the floor for four hours and "practice entering the third heaven." We were told that by practicing it, we could eventually work our way into this experience (as if WE could make such a miracle happen!) On the last day of our trip Todd decided he wanted to stay in a fancy hotel and said the rest of us were booked in a "flea bag motel" (his words). He asked who else wanted to stay in the fancy hotel at their own expense. All but one person (and myself) raised their hands - and I knew this one person to be financially poor. Todd made fun of him and told him to "enjoy his night at the flea bag motel." It was in that moment that I knew Todd Bentley was not walking in the Spirit of the God I know.
In Hebrew the word our Bible uses as "visitation" is actually the word "inspection." The revival in Lakeland, FL is completely devoid of any preaching of repentance. I have watched it on TV. There is angel worship, there is healing, and there is supposedly "gold teeth" appearing in people's mouths, but there is NO CALL TO REPENTANCE. As Pastor Francis Frangipane wrote this week, "What of the multitudes that followed Jesus into the wilderness whom He fed the loaves and fishes --- didn't they recognize the uniqueness of this hour? Obviously, the crowds were very familiar with the healing, miraculous dimensions of a visitation (see Luke 4:14-19; Isaiah 61:1-2). Yet, when God comes in visitation He is seeking two unfolding realities: to destroy the works of the devil and then build His kingdom into the lives of the newly healed. He does not come to heal us so we can drift back into our old lives. He heals us so He can transform us into His image. You see, the word visitation not only means a time of healing; it also refers to a time of inspection, of being examined closely. God not only participates in the joy of our deliverance, He is also examining us to see if we will now respond in increasing obedience.
Our obedience actually creates a different future for us, one that is blessed. Yet, if we do not respond, there are calamities awaiting also. He tells the newly healed to "not sin anymore" lest something worse happen (John 5:14). To the delivered He warns that, if their soul remains unoccupied after having their inner lives cleansed and put in order, the "last state of that man becomes worse than the first" (Matt. 12:45). You see, at the very moment God removes our burdens, He is also removing our excuses.
Our obedience actually creates a different future for us, one that is blessed. Yet, if we do not respond, there are calamities awaiting also. He tells the newly healed to "not sin anymore" lest something worse happen (John 5:14). To the delivered He warns that, if their soul remains unoccupied after having their inner lives cleansed and put in order, the "last state of that man becomes worse than the first" (Matt. 12:45). You see, at the very moment God removes our burdens, He is also removing our excuses.
I personally have been following the Lakeland revival on God.tv. While my heart swells with joy, I also fear. For when we cry for a holy visitation, we are crying for God’s kingdom --- the very reign of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. My concern is, when we entreat the Almighty for His kingdom, are we truly ready to surrender ours?"