The temptations of fame and fortune are nothing new - and they come often to those whom God has blessed with particular talents. But those temptations must be fought every single time they rear their ugly heads, lest the talents we've been given become our focus instead of the God who gave them.
Ever since beginning a musical ministry back in 1997 I've been urged to "get the songs on the radio, get on TV, get known, get famous, get rich!" Because I'm teaching and also singing at a wonderful Messianic conference this summer, I received an invitation to enter the "Messianic songwriter's competition" in order to "get signed on with a CD label and promoted." My spirit recoiled. Yet, the problem with all of this is that no one who has received music by grace from the Spirit wants the music to sit in boxes full of CDs in their basement, never to bless anyone! But I have been rebuked and chatised by the Holy Spirit more than once when I checked my motives and found that I desired to get up in front of a congregation so that I might get the praise and recognition.
Whenever I have gone into prayer and fasting, asking the Lord to speak to me about these things, I have always, always heard Him say, "Run! Flee from Babylon! I brought you out of Egypt - do not go back in!" Sometimes I have seen a picture in my mind of a drab, brown cloth slung over my shoulders and am reminded that my Master is telling me, "This is the cloak of humility. This is what I desire you to wear."
So I was touched and comforted tonight when I read a word by Ron & Karen Schwartz strongly warning Christians about the false "revivals" occurring in Lakeland, Florida, false prophet Todd Bentley, and the whole "Elijah List" prophetic movement, all of which has glorified and exalted men rather than God. They write, "Is there a unique Elijah ministry? No! But there are voices, and there is a message. The so-called “Elijah ministry” has no face. It is simply “a voice crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord.’” The Latter Rain movements have failed because they focus on the ministries and the saints instead of on the message and the God who speaks it. There are no “great” evangelists, prophets, and apostles associated with God’s true “end-time” voice. And if there are, those who are would not know it."
God's true prophets and apostles have no "face" because if they did, people would be seeking their faces instead of the Face of God. Tragically this is exactly what's happening in the Church today. It's no different than our secular society that is on a feeding-frenzy of American Idol and every other fame-seeking virtual reality show - the endless parade of those who will do anything just for a moment in the world's spotlight!
I did not respond to the songwriter's talent competition. I didn't write the songs anyway. I think Barry Manilow wrote the songs that make the whole world sing; and he did get rich and famous! His website says :

I hope that I have written songs that make God's heart sing - and these songs are playing over internet radio from Israel to 55 nations. No royalties. No fame. No record contracts. No platinum albums. I am but a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes - but I'm dancing with faceless joy because my music is spreading the message of the Gospel around the world. What greater reward could there be than that?
Wed. night the new moon was sighted. We have begun the month of Sivan and are on the 42nd day of the counting of the omer! Please keep my dear friend Shirley in your prayers as she leaves tomorrow for Afghanistan with a mission team. Shirley is one of God's faceless prophets too. Pray for her protection, and for the Word of the Lord to water that dry land.
Shabbat Shalom!