The thing I never quite got over was how strange we must have looked to the world - especially on Saturday evening when we had the awesome privilege of "entering the Holy of Holies." To describe this experience to you is most difficult - there are really no words to convey the Power and Glory of YHVH's Presence that visited us that night. But I will do my best to share what it was like to enter the Holy of Holies - even though we were simply preparing for what is yet to come.

The tabernacle looked like white linen curtains with only the light of the menorah shining through, the sweet fragrance of incense wafting above. Approaching the brazen altar with fear and trembling, I put my "sacrifice" into the fire to be burned. My sacrifice was a paper on which I had written that which I desired to be burned from me. I tore the paper into pieces and tossed it into the coals. Suddenly a tall column of fire erupted and CONSUMED my paper. YHVH had come down and literally consumed my offering. Inside the tabernacle I lit the menorah and asked Him that no darkness would ever again be found in me and that I might continually shine forth HIS Light in the world. I also asked Him for keener discernment, that I will know WHEN to shine the Light and when to separate myself. Amen.
I moved to the Table of Showbread - and there I utterly lost control and began to sob. I asked Father, "Why am I so overcome by the showbread?" I heard the Ruach clearly say, "Because I am your only Provider. This is the hidden manna, preserved for Israel in the final journey." Do I need stored food? Not much. Do I need silver or gold? Not really. Retirement accounts? No. He cannot give me the miracle until I have nothing.
Next I came to the Altar of Incense. Frankincense burned as a sweet fragrance. I watched the smoke ascend as the prayers of YHVH's people. And then I came upon the execution stake where He died - because we cannot enter the Holy of Holies but through His Blood. I prostrated myself and grabbed the foot of the stake. I held on tight - and I wept. What else have I to hold onto? Then - at last - I entered the Holy of Holies, behind the veil. I worshiped the Holy One of Israel. And I came to the full, astonishing reality that I - and a tiny remnant of others in the world - are rehearsing for the Kingdom! We are keeping His moedim. And HE is here to meet with us! His Presence was so powerful I could not walk straight as I tried to leave, but staggered as if drunk. I was overcome by the Shechinah in that Holy Place, and suddenly knew that if it were any heavier I could not have stood up or walked at all!
Outside I stared up at the stars and wondered, "Are you pleased with us, YHVH? Are you blessed at the desire of our hearts to meet with You; to keep your moedim and to learn to follow Your ways? Your Torah is LIFE to us! We washed our hands in the bronze laver. There was no towel. The water is the WORD, and we don't want the WORD to depart from us! Give me clean hands and a pure heart. Take not your Holy Spirit from me. Fill me with your Light. Your tabernacle is Messiah Yeshua: water, blood and light. And now Your tabernacle is me: water, blood and light. Dead flesh. Sweet fragrance. Living bread. Holy and set apart.