Wow, that really hit deep in my spirit! I had recently been through a time of deep confession and repentance over this very issue. I had allowed my fears and concerns over my husband's health and my mother's health to keep me from moving forward in faith on the call to minister in Kenya. It was strange - I had never done this before! In 14 years of traveling the globe for the Lord, I had never allowed fear to overcome faith, but suddenly it seemed the enemy had the upper hand and I was dragging my feet on this mission. Then the Lord began to convict me and cause me to remember how HE had moved in my life when I wasn't trying to take control, and when I was completely surrendered over to Him.
"Don't you remember how I touched John and healed him in that Reno hospital?" the Spirit whispered. "You watched his blood pressure go from 178 to 122 on the monitor when John spoke out his faith in Me. And what about the time in Ecuador when your bus broke down and you were stranded through the night in unsafe territory? Did I not protect you? And do you remember when you taped bibles on your body and went across Communist Chinese borders into Tibet? Did I not speak to you and tell you what to say when you passed through their security? Did I not shelter you when the two men accosted you on the Mount of Olives? Now why are you in fear?"
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am YHVH, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." (Isa. 43:2-3)
I had been trying too hard to protect everybody. How foolish! Once I surrendered my heart, my life, and the lives of my loved ones again into the arms of my Yeshua, my Savior, the Spirit began to flow again, and the mission moved forward. The pastors in Kenya have an itinerary in place for us now, from December 18-30. We are taking two of our grandchildren and the four of us will fly to Nairobi and then to the region of Kitale, where I ministered several years ago at a pastors' conference. This time we will teach at the Nasokol girls school (1100 students), lead an adult conference for men and women of seven churches, visit an orphanage, and then have several days of preaching and teaching in the public marketplaces, to reach the lost. The donations have begun to come in, and we are about 1/3 of the way there. We need $8000 for airfare, and more for some guest house meals and lodging expense; not to mention our great desire to take some financial help to the orphanage.
Will it come in? Absolutely! I am out of the way now, so God can move! And I know He can and will move through you! We have supported one another over the years in God's Economy and it is always enough when we each send our part. Donations to DoorKeeper Ministries are now tax deductible and you can send a check to PO Box 233, Eaton, CO 80615, or go to and click on the donate tab.
The days are short now, my friends, and truly the harvest of the nations is increasingly ripe. Travel is more dangerous than it used to be, and the world is much darker; but this means the Light of Messiah in each of us is shining much brighter! Thanks be to God who has given me the victory over my fears and once again called me to Africa to bring His Truth and His Light! We appreciate each prayer and each donation so very much.
And as you face your own fears and concerns in these chaotic times, recall the verses above, and recall our friend Larry's words: "You're trying too hard. Let God do it!"
Blow the shofar in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the Day of the Lord is coming It is close at hand! (Joel 2:1)