But waiting so long for the farm to sell has been tough for Patty. I've prayed with her over the phone for well over a year now. Being all alone and barely able to walk has been even worse, with all the work there is to do on the farm. But today our gracious Father broke through the silence and the frustration and worked through total strangers to bring Patty encouragement and His blessed assurance that He has not forgotten nor abandoned her. First it was an e-mail from a woman responding to an ad Patty placed in the local paper to sell furniture. The woman wrote, "Can we come look at it? Give me your address and I do have cash available. I hope your surgery went well.. you're in my prayers. God Bless!" Not long after that the phone rang and a man was calling on another ad where Patty was seeking help with feeding the animals. Patty told him her needs were met. The man asked, "How are you doing now?" She said, "OK - I do have help with the animals." But the man persisted, "Yes, but how are YOU doing?" Surprised, Patty said, "I'm doing fine. A friend is here to help me." He said, "That's all that matters. I'm glad you're OK."
Since when do people answering newspaper ads have this kind of compassionate, genuine concern for a total stranger? We both recognized Jesus breaking through the long, difficult silence, offering love and encouragement in the most unexpected ways. The knee is healing. The house has buyers flying in from Michigan to look. God is faithful.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. " (2 Cor. 4:16-17)