And so, with an agreement to pray and fast during this time, we are in the midst of counting the Omer, marking off the fifty days, looking forward with great anticipation to the celebration of Shavu'ot and a new refreshing and outpouring of the Spirit on each of us. During this time, just as the Israelites were in the wilderness, we take a journey toward the heart of God, learning obedience. We learn to stay when the cloud stays and move when it moves. And He is sharpening and refining us, teaching us to truly be a family (a mishpocah) that can and will dwell together in love, humility and forgiveness.
As part of this journey He has given us some profound surprises along our way. We've been given a large community center to meet in each Erev Shabbat at no cost! The Lord's timing is perfect; we had just reached the point of having too many people to fit in homes and at small dining tables! Then, in our prayer time, He gave us His mandate for our ministry: "Gather together the families that I bring you each Erev Shabbat. Teach them to keep my Sabbaths on the seventh day beginning at sundown, and to set this time apart to be with Me. Teach them to bless one another (husbands blessing wives, wives blessing husbands, parents blessing children), and to forgive one another for the past week's offenses. Teach them My Word. Teach them to worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. Families and marriages are broken. Provide for them a safe place to heal and to be restored."
As we count the fifty days, we are indeed making a journey toward something new and beautiful that the Father is preparing. With great anticipation we expect that when we reach the fiftieth day, as at Pentecost, the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) will be poured out, opening the eyes of our understanding for this New Thing He is doing among us. Yet I wonder, "Is it new, Father, or is it old - the ancient path you told us to look for?"
Are you counting the days? Is your heart beating in anticipation of what the Lord is about to do? Are your eyes fixed on Him instead of on the world? He said, "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)