This revelation came a day after I received a most beautiful and profound meditation from an old friend of mine who lives in Louisiana. Bill and I met when I was pastoring the very small church high up in Pitkin, Colorado; and we spent many an afternoon that summer poring over the Word of God and exploring its deeper meanings. Now, seven years later, Bill wrote me this poignant paragraph, so perfectly in sync with the Scripture Yahweh had just given me, and then he closed it with a question; a question that all of us should be asking ourselves.
"Last night I was unable to sleep. For some reason I began to think of birds and how they
sound different at different times of the day. At dawn their murmerings and chirping seem to
be filled with expectancy. When full daylight comes, and all day after that, they are singing
their hearts out from the sheer joy of life. Then,when dusk approaches, their singing subsides
into what might sound like their dawn sounds, and it is; but instead of being expectant,
there is an air of contentment and peace in the knowledge that tomorrow will come and find
them provided for. I sat, and it struck me. Jesus said He watches over the sparrow. Am I not worth more than the sparrow?
"Then why can't I emulate the birds?"