Does it seem to you that our Bridegroom is taking a long time in coming? It does to me! I pray for His return every day. But when He does not yet return, do we then get drowsy and just turn on the TV? Do we seek out entertainment to escape all the bad news around us? Do we keep so busy with work and kids and activities that we manage to just stay in our own little bubbles? These are probably all pictures of the way we have fallen asleep.
"At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the Bridegroom! Come out to meet Him!' Then ALL the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. " (Matthew 25: 7) By that time there has been a great cosmic disturbance of the earth, as we can read from Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 6, 8 and elsewhere. By this point of course ALL the virgins are awake, for the earth has been shaken beyond recognition and life is no longer as we know it! And unfortunately, half of them still have no oil - no relationship with Messiah and no understanding of His Word.
But what about right now? Life as we have always known it is pretty much still going on except that we know some folks are losing their jobs, a lot of us have vanishing 401ks, and some people in Kentucky are without power in a terrible ice storm. But Congress is getting ready to pass another $800 billion stimulus plan, so hey, isn't everything going to get right back to normal pretty quickly? If you think so, you are asleep! And you are not alone - the Bible says we ALL go to sleep - but praise God some of us awaken with the wisdom, understanding, and intimacy with Yahshua that has been planted in our hearts and sustains us through the shaking and into the Kingdom! Maybe NOW would be a good time to wake up, keep watch for the signs our Lord has given us, and put that extra oil into jars.