As John and I were driving across the highest peaks of the Colorado Rocky Mountains this week, the Father showed us several parables about this. We had ascended to the top of Cottonwood Pass and reached the Continental Divide, that place that divides our continent in half, and seems to be at the top of the world! Clamoring over rocks, above timber line, we took the opportunity in that high place to call down strongholds that bind this nation and tear at the fabric of our families. Then we got back into the Jeep to slowly and carefully descend the mountain. The road was rough and the switchbacks severe and steep. John remarked, "First gear is too slow and second gear is too fast."
"That's a parable!" I mused. In this period of transition it is difficult at times to negotiate the path so that we stay right in the center of God's will. If we are in first, we lag behind Him and if we shift into second, we run ahead. We must find that place where we can move in His rhythm, waiting upon Him for instruction in every small decision and attempting to give Him pinpoint obedience in the smallest of things.
Several times John and I met oncoming vehicles on this extremely narrow, treacherous road, and we marveled that each time another vehicle approached us, there was a small pull-out on our side of the road, just in time, avoiding collision. "That's My grace," the Spirit whispered. "If you make the transitions with Me leading the way, even when it looks frightening or dangerous, you will find the grace to avoid collision or confusion. And when you make a wrong turn, you will have a "grace period" to make teshuva; repent and return to Me."
The glorious colors of the changing aspen trees filled our senses with His majesty and beauty - but also reminded us of the season of transition. We, like the trees, are changing. Our very lives and circumstances are changing. Even as I am preparing for a wedding, so I am filled with the deep understanding that Messiah is preparing a Bride for Himself.
Stay on the road with Him somewhere in the middle of first and second gear, and trust Him to provide the "pull-outs" when the road becomes too difficult. Be quick to repent and keep no record of the wrongs done against you. Take no offense, lest it form a bitter root.
It is a time of transitions!