God's timing throughout my betrothal, courtship, and preparation for marriage has not ceased to amaze me! John proposed marriage to me during the Feast of Tabernacles - the time when we remember the Israelites being kept safe in the wilderness in tents. Yeshua, their would-be Bridegroom was leading them toward Mount Sinai where He would betroth them to Him forever with His Torah, giving them the ten words upon stone tablets as His "wedding ring."
Exactly seven months after meeting John, I am in a seven-day period of preparation for marriage - and I am sure it's no coincidence that this is the week that begins the feast of Purim! Israel celebrates Purim in remembrance of Esther, the Jewish girl who was made Queen of Persia, and saved her Jewish people from mass genocide by her three-day fast. Before being presented to her king/bridegroom, she was soaked in lovely oils and perfumes in preparation. I too will be in fasting and prayer this week, and spending some time preparing mind, body, and spirit for this marriage that God Himself has arranged. I am praying that our union will give God great glory, and that we will be used in the service of the King of kings, as we step forward in obedience to His call to teach in Bulgaria, Hungary and Israel. We know that Bulgaria and Hungary are places where anti-Semitism is rising greatly, and we will go in the "Esther anointing" to break those strongholds and encourage the Church to come alongside their Jewish brothers and sisters, and fast and pray for Israel!
When I awoke early this morning, I received the daily prophetic word from Marsha Burns and it certainly lined up with all that God is speaking to me. It was a beautiful, blessed confirmation of what He is doing!
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 2/15/11:
For those who are willing to let go of past disappointments and offenses, this is a new day in which you can rediscover the power of My grace. Launch out into the depth of My love and be filled with the wonder of My work of sanctification in you. You have been in a time of preparation and are about to be released into a time of spiritual discovery and adventure that will bring restoration and renewal. You are about to be rejuvenated in ways you could not have anticipated, says the Lord. Rejoice!
Psalms 51:12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.