I had an utterly defining moment in my spiritual walk this past weekend. I know you have had those too; but I wonder if like me, you find that the defining moments of revelation turn out to be the simplest of all?
We study the Scriptures, probing for the deepest levels of understanding. We gather together to study and midrash, looking for the hidden meanings. We listen to teachers who claim to have "new revelation." We wonder if we're doing it all "right." Pray with a head covering or not? Fast from just meat or from all foods? Begin counting the omer in the week of Passover or on the Shabbat after?
Suddenly I heard the voice of the Apostle Paul ringing in my ears: "Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?" (Gal. 3:3). In all things, brothers and sisters, we must seek to be the worshipers that Yahweh seeks: "worshipers in Spirit and in Truth" (John 4:23). We must find and keep the balance of Spirit and Truth as found in the prophetic picture of Yahshua, transfigured into the fullness of His glory on the mountain. Moses and Elijah were there with him because they represent the Truth (Torah) and the Holy Spirit - and it is not possible to be in the fullness of the Kingdom unless we have both in equal balance.
I spent the weekend with a woman who lives in Israel and has an under-cover ministry to the Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem. She is an intercessor who has prayer-walked their neighborhoods by faith for 12 years, and is just now seeing the fruit of her labor. Even some rabbis are coming to belief in Messiah Yahshua, but then go through unspeakable persecution, beatings, torment, and separation from family. This woman who helps to bring them out of darkness and into the light and freedom of Messiah knows the hopelessness of all their years of "keeping and doing" in the flesh. When these modern-day Nicodemuses are born again of the Spirit, they are free to keep the Torah by the Spirit, in the fullness of love and joy. And in hearing about this entire painful birthing process, I came full circle back to my First Love! One verse from the transfiguration story was quickened to me in a passionate way I have never seen it before: "Jesus came and touched them and said, 'Arise! Do not be afraid.' When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only."
No one but Jesus only? Then Moses had disappeared! The great leader of Israel! How will we keep the Torah? Elijah had disappeared! How will we learn to walk in power? This is how: We close our eyes in prayer; and when we open them, we see Jesus. Only Jesus. And the Father tells us to do one thing. ONE DEFINING THING. That one thing is what the Father told Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop: "This is my Son. Listen to Him!"
Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you will abide in the Son and in the Father. (1 John 2:24)