They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:11-12
It was a clear, sunny, dry-road day over the Colorado Rocky Mountains last Thursday. That doesn't happen too often in January, so I decided to go ahead and drive over the passes to Grand Junction. My dear friend Deanna was ready to pick up the lamb we had had butchered for Passover and I wanted to bring it back to our freezer. The drive went well and I spent the night there.
The next day, Friday, I was spending some time in the afternoon working on her computer when my cell phone rang. I looked to see who was calling and it said UNKNOWN. This was the first miracle: I NEVER answer my phone if it says Unknown! But prompted by the Spirit, I answered. The deep voice said, "Is this Kelly Mills of 24 Park Avenue?"
"Yes," I responded tentatively.
"This is Officer _____ of the Eaton Police Department."
My heart began to race. Was I being arrested? I couldn't think of one thing I had done wrong, but what could this call mean? The officer continued, "Your husband John has just been taken by helicopter to the Greeley Hospital. He had a serious heart attack. Is there family here we can contact?"
I gave him my daughter's phone number. After I hung up I realized that wasn't such a good idea because she is so busy, she rarely answers her phone. But despite the UNKNOWN caller on her phone, she TOO answered and was able to stop everything and drive immediately to the emergency room. That was miracle #2!
Meanwhile, Deanna and I checked the status of the roads and passes back to Denver and the storm that had come in overnight had left all the roads snow and ice-packed and some even closed. I might not have been able to drive it, and I knew I was in no shape emotionally to handle the stress of icy, treacherous mountain roads. So we got on the United Airlines website to see if possibly I could get on one of their commuter flights back to Denver. We knew there was only a slim chance, as those seats are always filled way ahead of time. However (miracle #3) there was one seat left! But then we saw the price of the ticket: $932! Undaunted, I went on to the mileage awards section of the website, because I knew I had some United miles. To my amazement the ticket price came up 10,000 miles and $77! (Miracle #4). We booked it immediately and I called a man from our prayer team to see if he could possibly drive down to Denver (60 miles) to get me and drive me back up to the Greeley hospital. His cheery voice on the other end of the line was such a comfort: "Hey, I'm already down here in Denver. I'll be there to get you, Sis!" (Miracle #5).
The events that were transpiring in our front yard all during this time were great miracles also. We had advertised some furniture on Craig's List and a guy we did not know had phoned and told John he'd be over to pick it up. John was helping him carry the couch and chair out the door and lifting it onto his trailer when he collapsed. This man (whose name is Rob) ran behind John to brace his fall (they shall bear you up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone!) He pulled him gently into the snow in our yard. He knew that cold was helpful to the heart -- and he was also trained in CPR in the military (miracle #6!)
Rob examined John's pulse and couldn't find one. He also later told us that John was not breathing! But he began chest compressions and kept it up until the paramedics arrived. They found John's heart beating at a rate over 200, so they shocked the heart, which brought it back into normal rhythm - praise be to God! Then they put John in the helicopter and flew him in to the Greeley hospital, but he has no recollection of ANY of this! As I think about it - and how helpless I felt being so far away - I really do see how Abba Father gave His angels charge over John to keep him!
Meanwhile, I am settled into the little commuter jet over the mountains and the pilot warned us that the turbulence coming out of Denver was so severe that many passengers threw up. I went immediately into prayer and told Father that I could see His nostrils blowing away all the cloud formations and winds that caused such turbulence. I continued to envision this and as our little plane descended into Denver we hit one little bump and then all the clouds cleared and we sailed gently onto the runway (miracle #7!)

I stayed with John in the hospital until his release on Monday. He had two stents placed in two arteries that were over 80% blocked. The procedure on Sunday morning went well and his recovery has been amazing (miracle #8). Today he's taking a little walk around the neighborhood and enjoying delicious fish dinner supplied by friends.
Last night I found him standing at the back door gazing out at the brightness of an almost-full moon, a few tears on his face. "I wasn't sure I'd see you or this place again." It was one of those moments where all the things in life that don't matter just float away -- and all the things and people that DO matter are ever more precious to you.
This four-day journey was filled with miracles; from the total stranger who stayed to do CPR and preserve life, to the helicopter team who even came the next day to give John a hug, to my family who surrounded him immediately with their love and care, to the small plane that felt like eagles wings carrying me gently and safely to my husband - God's hand prints were all over each step of the way. He is faithful.