On December 8, 2010 I had a very vivid dream. I recorded it in my journal. Here is what I wrote on that date:
"Very strange and vivid dream. Christina {my daughter} came to see me in great sobs and asked me to rock her! What could be more weird than seeing my strong, unemotional daughter collapsing in sadness and asking to be rocked? I asked her what was wrong and she said, "Don't you know? Haven't you seen what just happened in Sweden?" I turned on the TV and saw a picture that matched what she was saying to me: "The children! There is a blood bath! They're lying in the streets! It was a massacre!" Sure enough, on the TV screen I saw blonde Swedish children lying in the street, their bodies covered with blood. Then I woke up. Sweden? Why would I dream about Sweden?"
Three or four days ago I heard on the news there had been a "first-ever terrorist attack" in Sweden. Naturally, after having that dream, my senses were awakened that the dream must have been prophetic in nature, and I should pay attention.
Today a news article appeared on the internet that was titled Jews Warned About Visiting Southern Sweden. The article begins, "'We are reluctantly issuing this advisory because religious Jews and other members of the Jewish community there have been subject to anti-Semitic taunts and harrassment,' said Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director of International Relations with the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre. 'There have been dozens of incidents reported to the authorities but have not resulted in arrests or convictions for hate crimes.' Samuels, along with Wiesenthal associate dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper, conveyed their concerns for the safety of the Jewish community to Swedish Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask during meetings in Stockholm on Thursday."
In my spirit I feel my dream must certainly be connected with these events and warnings emanating from Sweden and I felt it must be a call for Yah's people to pray for the Jewish people in that nation. Please cover them in prayer for the days ahead.
Shalom Aleichem,