So, over the past nine years I have journeyed into the Hebrew roots of our Christian faith, which took me into deep levels of understanding in the Torah, and then led me back into the fullness of the Torah, which is love (Romans 13:9-10). Throughout these years I have sat at countless tables on Erev Shabbats (Friday evenings), teaching married couples how to bless one another in the Sabbath-keeping, and observing how God works deeply in those marriages through these mutual blessings. As I have watched husbands read Proverbs 31 over their wives, extolling their virtures and character, I have silently wept. It is such a beautiful thing to witness men covering their wives, not with forced control or domination, but with sincere blessings from the Word of God!

Last night it was finally my turn! It was about 1 degree outside here in northern Colorado, and a stinging wind was blowing snow in every direction. Our Erev Shabbat gathering was cancelled because of treacherous roads. At sundown I brought two candles and a head scarf to my dining table, and John brought a small plate of bread and a glass of wine. I lit the lights in my home, inviting the Holy Spirit's Presence, and asking Yeshua to fill this home with light and life. Together we named our children and grandchildren and prayed blessings over them, including the choosing of Godly mates for each one of them. Together we shared the Body and Blood of our Messiah, proclaiming physical healing in each other's bodies, and restoration of our hearts, minds and souls. And then that precious moment came when John opened Proverbs 31 and read verses 10-31 over me. With his hand over my head, he read, "There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!" And he did not just read the words...he stopped to look into my eyes and tell me how true he found these words to be of me, his betrothed! Then with equal joy and tears staining both our faces, I read Psalm 112 over him, "Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who delights greatly in His commandments."
At last I know the joy of Shabbat in its fullness, understanding really for the first time, how much YHVH loves the union of marriage, which He created. At last I am not just the teacher or the observer, but the blessed participant in this ancient tradition of gathering at the table to pronounce mutual blessings at sundown, the beginning of a Sabbath day. Now I truly understand how couples who pray together in unity grow so much closer and deepen their relationship in a way that is otherwise not possible.
Yeshua always sat at my table as my Husband. He still does - and there is no greater love or blessing than His! Yet, I delight to share with you the gift He has now given to me, and I pray that as we draw closer and closer to the day of our wedding, John and I will remain faithful and pure before Him.