Thursday, December 29, 2011
The King of Rome or the King of Israel?
The eyes and heart of God are set upon Jerusalem, the City where He put His Name, and the place where He established the worship of His people, the tribes of Israel. The Catholic Pope of Rome is greatly confused about the heritage and ownership of this City. The following are direct quotes from this article:
"Peace negotiations in the Middle East must tackle the issue of the status of the holy sites of Jerusalem," Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican's Council for Interreligious Dialogue, declared several days ago in Rome. The Vatican's former foreign minister asked to place some Israeli holy places under Vatican authority, alluding to the Cenacle on Mount Zion and the garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The first site also houses what is referred to as King David's Tomb. Vatican officials are now reiterating their demand for control over the religious sites in the ancient and holy city founded by King David as the capital of ancient Israel and now the capital of the reestablished Jewish state. The Vatican's former archbishop in Jerusalem, Michael Sabbah, just promoted an appeal to the European Union and United States to "stop the Hebraization of Jerusalem."
Stop the Hebraization of Jerusalem? So, Jerusalem is not a Hebraic place? It is not the place where God Himself instructed the Hebrews to build a Temple to worship Him? Was King David the King of Rome or the King of Israel?
Satan is the author of confusion!
Please remain in prayer for the Jewish people. Age after age, century after century, their rightful inheritance has been stolen from them. That ancient serpent, the devil, has one goal and one goal only: to wipe out the race of people from whom the Seed, the Messiah, would come! And he knows his days to accomplish this are short. He attempted to complete his mission through Antiochus Epiphanes, through the Roman emperor Titus, through the evil ruler Hitler, and other anti-Messiah types, but he has not yet won that battle. And so he persists today, through the diabolical plans of Islamic rulers and the greed of the Vatican. One final anti-Messiah will soon rise on the scene and sit in a re-built Jewish temple, declaring Himself to be God (see 2 Thessalonians 2:4).
We are on the cusp of another great war today, I believe. But we do not fear or tremble; we know that Jerusalem belongs to the King of the Universe, and He will come again to rule the nations from Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - to do this is to pray for His soon return. He speaks to us from the pages of His revelation to the Apostle John: "I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem...!" (Revelation 3:11-12). Hallelujah!
(To read the entire article mentioned, you can click on this link):
Friday, December 9, 2011
Crossing the Jabbok River
In Hebrew the word Jabbok (pronounced Yabbok) means "to empty, to pour out." This is the process we must go through - just as Jacob did - in order to take on the new, heavenly nature (Olam Haba - eating from the Tree of Life)! Jacob had to get another man's blessing (Esau), work for another man (Laban), tend his sheep, and do hard labor for 20 years before he was free to take his family and set out on his own. This long time speaks of our own long journeys through the snares of this world. Jacob would not fully enter into the heavenly realm until he had an ultimate encounter with his Creator and wrestled with Him until he came to the end of himself. This struggle leaves him with a mark (a limp) - but it also changes his name!
What is this crossing of the Jabbok? It is not just our salvation - that is only step one! It is the separating out of the old flesh nature from the new heavenly nature. It is our process of sanctification and regeneration by the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh).
Who has become fully holy, born again and set-apart at the moment he accepted Yeshua as Lord? Genesis 12:1-3 and 17:23 make it clear to us that Abraham was uncircumcised when he received the Covenant from God! The circumcision of both his flesh and his heart still had to be walked out. He was still an old wineskin, needing to be tested and tried in the fire, and then filled with new wine (anointing) from the Ruach (see Matthew 9:16-17). Old wineskins cannot be filled with new wine!
Jacob sent over all his possessions before crossing the Jabbok River, the place of self-emptying. This shows that he realized that all his strength, all his possessions and wealth, and his own good name were not enough to save him! Alone and empty in the wilderness, he wrestles with a man until daybreak. We know this man is Yeshua - God in the flesh. When we are in the wilderness, and God begins to deal with us, we have three options:
1) Stand still (no forward movement, resulting in spiritual death
2) Turn back (back to Egypt, back to the world and the flesh)
3) Press through (become sanctified and delivered, entering the Olam Haba
The wilderness is our place of circumcision, the place where God's promise comes to pass in each of us: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God. " (Ezekiel 36:26-28)
It is a one-on-one encounter with Yeshua - and in that place, He alone reveals to us our true identity as Israel - and like Jacob, we will leave that place marked by Him, and we will never walk the same again!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Yeshua's Hands
Thanksgiving blessings to all my readers! I pray it has been a weekend of gathering with family and friends and counting the many blessings that are yours in Yeshua our Messiah.
For me, the last couple of weeks have indeed been filled with great blessings as the Lord taught me more about humility than I have ever grasped before. True, my time on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem five years ago was a profoundly humbling experience; yet, on the streets of downtown Denver and in the home of friends in Winnipeg, Manitoba, I received even deeper revelation about those whom God will be lifting up in honor!
Every year my dear friend, David Clifton, undertakes the enormous project of feeding a grand Thanksgiving dinner to Denver's homeless people. This year he was allowed space in front of the massive City/Counting Building and across from the Colorado State Capitol building. God gave great favor that day, with sunny skies and warm temps in the 60s, as we stood behind long banquet tables serving hot, roasted turkeys, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade stuffing, green bean casseroles, a delightful array of salads and an endless supply of freshly baked pies to over 11,000 people! This year many of these folks looked like your average neighbors and friends - because they are people who have fallen on extremely hard times, losing jobs and homes, not knowing where to turn, or how to keep food on their tables. I had three of my grandchildren with me and the youngest, age 7, was serving cupcakes with colorful frosting and little plastic Barbies to many young children with single moms. All day there were bands playing Christian and Gospel music on the stage behind us. I had been scheduled to sing at 3:00 pm, but other bands kept going up on stage ahead of me, and finally I was told to just keep serving food, and if they needed me, they would call me up.
Close to 5:00 p.m. the sun was setting behind us and most of the people, their bellies full, had gone on to wherever they sleep for the night. The servers had begun the clean-up process; and it was then that I was called up to the stage! I would be the last person to sing, and my 13-year-old granddaughter, Jayde, came up to sing with me. We sang songs of hope and blessing in Messiah Yeshua, and then for the first time, some of the people came right up and crowded around the stage. Most of them were men with scraggly beards and unwashed clothes. One of them had a very tiny bible in his hand and he was thrusting it up to my granddaughter, trying to ask her something. She leaned forward to hear his request: "Proverbs 20! Read Proverbs 20 to me!" Humbly, and without missing a beat, she went to the microphone and began to read: "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise." She paused after these words, and we watched as at least a dozen or more single men came closer to the stage to hear her words. I recognized the look of alcoholism on their faces - that long-drawn look, with sunken, hopeless eyes. How humbling to watch my granddaughter read these words of wisdom to these men! We had been called up last - to sing for just a very few - but in the Kingdom of God, the first shall be last and the last shall be first!
Then John and I flew off to Canada where we spent a week with our precious friends, Myles and Theresa in Winnipeg. Theresa is a quadriplegic, having been left paralyzed by a brain-stem stroke after the birth of her 2nd son, 27 years ago. I am helping to edit the book she is writing of her faith journey; and her husband, Myles, is helping me to complete some music tracks for the new CD I am preparing to record. We spent a week there and the blessings of God's creative Spirit flowed mightily throughout that household! But nothing and no one impacted me more than Theresa's care-giver, Doris. She came on certain days to cook, clean, and provide Theresa's personal care. One day before lunch I sat at the kitchen table while Theresa instructed Doris on the preparations for our lunch. "Put 2 quarts of water into the pot. Turn the stove on high. Add a pinch of salt. Chop...stir...turn down the stove..." Doris followed every instruction silently and obediently, and I thought I detected a quiet joy in her spirit. But I could not understand it. When we finished eating, Theresa asked how we liked her meal, and I was quite surprised. I thought to myself, "She didn't make this meal. Doris did! Now she is going to take credit for it?"
I lay in bed that night pondering what I had observed and I asked the Spirit to help me understand what I had witnessed. In my spirit I heard Him explain, "Doris is Theresa's hands. She decreases so that Theresa might increase and still be able to do those things she most loves in her home: cooking, sewing, organizing, keeping house. Doris becomes invisible so that Theresa can have hands again." I marveled at this. It was a humility I have not encountered before! Then the Spirit spoke again: "When a man who has led crusades that brought hundreds of thousands of people to salvation stands before Me at the Judgment Seat, I will not be as moved as I will when Doris stands before me. I will lift her up in highest honor in that Day!"
Doris is not just Theresa's hands, then. She is Yeshua's hands!
I know this word extended also to Myles, who has lovingly, faithfully cared for his wife throughout these 27 years, and who exemplifies the role of husband in a way I have also never seen. Theresa is a precious, vibrant, intelligent woman who today ministers over voice-activated computer to many across the globe; and who assists her husband in pastoring a Messianic congregation in their city, gathering every Shabbat for Torah study. It has been a humbling experience indeed to read and edit her astonishing story of faith; but it was an epiphany for me to discover that sometimes behind the stories of great ones are those whose hearts and hands have invisibly and humbly made it all possible.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Waiting On God

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A Time of Job Testing
When God asked Abraham to take his beloved son, Isaac, up the mountain and literally slay him as a sacrifice, we see the word "worship" in this scenario and we are stunned. What was Abraham's sacrifice? It was his willingness to let go of that which he cherished most. It was his righteous prioritizing, placing God above all else. It was his obedience! His great faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob somehow convinced him that God would restore his son to him in the end, as he proclaimed, "The lad and I will go over there and worship and then WE will return to you!" (Genesis 22:5)
Job sat in the dirt, miserably scratching his body sores with shattered pottery pieces; and in the midst of his loss of wife, children, livestock, wealth, and property, he worshiped God and boldly prophesied, "I know that my Redeemer lives and that He shall stand upon the earth!" (Job 19:25)
The days ahead of us will require this kind of bold and sure faith. We must be focused on the glorious in-breaking of the Kingdom of God, instead of the demise of the world and its collapsing economies. The tests of obedience are coming into the lives of God's people, to see how we will respond. Will we praise Him in the midst of great loss? Can we trust Him when we don't understand His purpose? Will we obey when it means great personal sacrifice?
Several of my dearest friends are going through such tests even today. One couple has just lost their home and all that they hold dear. Their response has been resounding worship, saying to God, "We do not understand, but we trust You. Now that we are free of material things, show us how we can serve You." Another dear friend is facing a "death sentence" from melanoma. Her doctors told her she has three to four months to live. Her response? "I believe I am going to be one of God's great miracles. But whether I live or whether I die I want to bring Him great glory in the process!"
To these and many others of you who are going through great tests and trials, I offer encouragement. God restored to Job all that he lost, and more. The obedience brought the blessing. The refusal to follow his wife's suggestion when she told him, "Curse God and die," brought renewed hope, life, and prosperity. Recalling my own great tests of losing husband, ministry, and home, and then going to Jerusalem to experience a total "flesh-death," I can joyfully say, "After death there is always a resurrection for those who follow Messiah Yeshua!"
In the midst of our testing, may we be able to testify as Job did: "But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed His steps; I have kept to His way without turning aside. I have not departed from the commands of His lips. I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread." Job 23:10-12
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
New Beginnings!
“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things in Your Torah.
Your testimonies are my delight, they are my counselors. …Give me understanding, that I may keep Your Torah and observe it with my whole heart. Lead me in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it.
The sum of Your Word is truth; and every one of Your righteous ordinances endures for ever… my heart stands in awe of Your words.I rejoice at Your Word, like one who finds great treasure.” (Psalm 119:18, 24, 34-35,160-162)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A Burden of Grief
When morning came, sunlight blissfully streaming through my window, I could hear the school busses passing by and I knew it was just another day with children going to school, parents going to work, and birds chirping gaily in my back yard. But the ache was still there. So I began to pray, "Lord, I take authority over this feeling of deep grief and pain." In the quiet of my kitchen the Lord answered me, "You do not need to take authority over it. It is a burden of grief that I am asking you to bear for My people in the days ahead. Stand in the gap for them."
Instantly I understood. The last time the Lord asked me to bear a burden of grief and intercession for His people was five years ago. I did not understand the burden, even as I do not fully understand it now; but it came into full view the day I arrived in Jerusalem and the Jews were expelled from their own homes in the Gaza. As in the days of the Holocaust, they were being dragged from their homes and left to fend for themselves and their children on the streets. My grief was in full force that day, and through tears and prayer I tried to help carry theirs.
What is just ahead, that I should be bearing a burden again? Perhaps it is related to the season we are in - a time when the Jewish people have suffered wars, persecution and much devastaion. It is a time so holy that Satan's rage is always stirred up against God's people. Yom Kippur -the holiest day of God's calendar - will descend upon us when the sun goes down this Friday evening. As Aaron, the High Priest of ancient Israel, entered the Holy of Holies with a sacrifice to make atonement for himself, his family, the tabernacle, and all Israel - so Yeshua, our High Priest, presented His blood to Yahweh to make atonement for all His children.
It is good for us to take some time before Yom Kippur to ask the Lord to examine our hearts and minds, exposing the dark places. Yes, it is true that Yeshua made an atonement by His blood offering once and for all - but should we not continue to offer Him our sacrifices of repentance, turning from the ways we have disobeyed and ignored Him and His commands? Yes, I believe we should. As individuals, as spouses, as families, and as a nation, I believe we should. Our tears of repentance, our willingness to intercede for our Jewish brothers and sisters, and our teshuva (return) to the LORD, our Great High Priest, will produce lasting fruit in the Kingdom.
"How much more then will the blood of Messiah, who through the Ruach L'Olam (Eternal Spirit) offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the Living Elohim!" (Hebrews 9:14)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Those Are My Children!

Friday, September 16, 2011
Walking in Rhythm
Once on His calendar the rhythm of our lives begins to beat with His rhythm. Now we are on His cycle, celebrating each new moon as a gift of another month, and looking forward to each feast as a rehearsal for all that we will one day experience in His kingdom. The new moon that will usher in Yom Teruah (the day of blowing the shofar) is nearly here, expected on the evening of September 28. In the month prior to this (the Hebrew month of Elul) we become aware of times of testing. This is a time period of examining our hearts and making ourselves fully ready for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we will fall down before the Living God and submit ourselves to a time of deep repentance, that we might be cleansed and restored.
This process is actually illustrated in Torah in Leviticus and Deuteronomy by learning what our God calls clean and unclean, holy and profane. We are to stop being double-minded (James 4:7-8). Yeshua (Jesus) warned that he would rather we be either "hot or cold," as he hates a "lukewarm" person (Rev. 3:14-16)! He says he will spit lukewarmness out of his mouth! I believe He is saying that He hates mixture - a little holiness, a little profanity, all mixed together - what difference does it make?
Let's take a look at what God says: "You shall not sow your vineyard with a second kind of seed, else the crop from the seed you have sown and the yield of the vineyard may not be used. You shall not plow with an ox and an ass together. You shall not wear cloth combining wool and linen." (Deut. 22:9-11). Because most of us are not farmers, not spending our days sowing or plowing with oxen and donkeys - and because most of us are walking around wearing clothes made of many fabric blends, we cannot identify with this. What is God saying to us today? Consider that SEEDS can represent people. He is saying, "Don't be teamed with those who do not love the LORD, for what do the people of God have in common with the people of sin? How can light live with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14). The mixed team of oxen and donkey spiritually speaks to us of our associations with people. Who are you teamed with? Are they people who can build up and edify your life in Messiah, or those who will distract you and lead you astray from the faith?
And what about this mixed clothing? How can we apply this principle in our modern time? I believe this can spiritually represent contamination in our own hearts and lives. Consider the process of contaminated clothing in Leviticus 13:53-56: "If the priest sees that the stain has not spread in the garment, or anything made of skin, he shall give orders for the stained material to be washed, and then he shall put it aside for another seven days. After it has been washed the priest shall examine the stain; if it has not changed its appearance, although it has not spread, it is unclean and you shall destroy it by fire, whether the rot is on the right side or the wrong. If the priest examines it and finds the stain faded after being washed, he shall tear it out of the garment. If, however, the stain reappears in the garment, it is breaking out afresh and you shall destroy by fire whatever is stained. If you wash the garment or anything of skin and the stain disappears, it shall be washed a second time and then it shall be ritually clean."
It is a picture of our hearts, my friends. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and give me a new and steadfast spirit. Wash away all my guilt and cleanse me from my sin," prays King David in Psalm 51. In the Leviticus passage we glean the marvelous news that when our High Priest Yeshua examines our hearts, He washes the stain - and if the stain persists, He allows us to go through the fire in order to teach us how to live a clean and blessed life. In fact, He tears that part right out! And then when our stains are washed clean and disappear, but we fall a second time, He is able to wash us clean again!" This is the marvelous news of the atoning blood of Messiah Yeshua!
As we grow up into Him, the Spirit fills us with a desire to understand the difference between life and death, clean and unclean, so that we can walk in the fullness of His blessings! Keeping His Sabbaths and Feast Days will help us remain in God's blessings, power and authority. Getting rid of the mixtures in our daily lives and in our worship will make us hot for Him, not lukewarm! Getting on His calendar draws us ever nearer to His heart. Can you hear the shofar call about to be sounded throughout the earth? Look for the new moon and anticipate all the blessings of having Him dwell with you in your tent during the Feast of Tabernacles! We are rehearsing His moedim (His appointed times) in order to be ready for the Kingdom yet to come...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Lights and Phones and Comets, oh my!

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Wise as Serpents

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Unity Restored

Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Spin Cycle
I told her I would have to write this in a blog! It certainly resonates with my life, ever since John and I walked back down that wedding aisle, hand-in-hand. Literally across continents we have been in a virtual "spin cycle" of the Lord's doing, and through five different countries, languages, foods and currencies, we tried to keep up! Then once we got back home we went straight down to Mexico where we have been getting John's house ready to sell. Scrubbing floors and walls, painting rooms, holding yard sales, hauling trash, and fixing things that didn't work, we continued to spin until we thought we would drop of exhaustion.
In the very midst of all this activity, my mom fell ill and was hospitalized, so I returned home to spend 4 days in the hospital with her, at her bedside. She recovered from her sepsis infection and went home, and the spin cycle went into high gear as I returned to New Mexico to help John finish up. Now that we are finally just on the other side of all this whirling and washing, we look back and wonder: "Did you make us softer, Lord?" The answer is a clear yes. We could not have survived all of that without Him. We were totally dependent upon him from the mountains of Israel to the little neighborhood in Farmington, New Mexico, to my mom's hospital room. In the midst of the spin cycle He quietly worked in us to form us as a ministry team, as partners painting side by side, as lovers, as husband and wife, esteeming the other above ourselves.
Yes, it's true. Like precious linen fabric, we become softer - toward our Master and those He places in our lives for His glory.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Jerusalem Day 5771
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Re-gathering the Flock
We had the great privilege of seeing these verses fulfilled before our very eyes as we spent the day helping Brian Slater (Chosen People Ministries) with his outreach to the Jewish Russian immigrants of Netanya, Israel. For a couple of hours we unpacked boxes of good, used clothing and set the garments on tables. In the kitchen two lovely Russian women of the Beit Asaph congregation were cooking soup and making salads and bread for those we would soon be serving. Then Brian arrived with his SUV loaded to the gills with fresh carrots, the most gigantic beets I have ever seen, boxes and boxes of cookies, sacks of fresh bread and big red cabbages. We carefully laid these foods, as well as tubs of hummus and some chocolate pudding cups, on tables from which the guests could pick and choose what they wanted to take.
When the doors opened, many local Russian Jews came bursting in and it was such a blessing to serve each one dinner, pour water for them, and sit down to visit with them. Yes, they had left their lives of poverty behind in Russia, but the cost of living in Israel is so tremendously high that it is extremely difficult for them to survive here as well. Yet, as the Scripture prophesies, there are a few shepherds who have a heart for these dear people whom the LORD has regathered from all the nations where He scattered them. Brian is such a shepherd, and he works tirelessly all week to reach provide for the needy and reach the lost to bring them to Messiah. The pictures show one of the volunteers with a giant beet (God grows things supernaturally large in Israel!), Brian to the left of a table of guests, and myself at the keyboard. I sang worship songs in Russian while they dined, and we could tell they were greatly blessed by hearing the love of Yeshua sung in their own tongue.
We were generously blessed by the hospitality of a mother and daughter from the Beit Asaph congregtion while in Netanya. Neris is from Cuba and she and her daughter have just made aliyah to Israel. We worshiped in this congregation last Shabbat, and heard Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, English and French spoken in one service, with headsets to translate into all these languages! Surely God HAS re-gathered His people and truly is bringing them back into their folds!
Waiting in the Jaffa Gate for transportation we were struck by the many teenagers of the Israel Defense Force. Military service is mandatory for both girls and boys at the age of 18. Can you imagine going to your child's high school graduation service, only to kiss them goodbye and send them off to defend the most hated nation on earth? We encountered them everywhere, usually with AK47s or M16 machine guns strapped to their backs. We always stopped to thank them and tell them we are praying for them; here we got a picture of some of the girls, looking like any of our high school girls back home. For a mother like me, it was heart-wrenching to know what they face.
Today we had the great joy of returning from Netanya to Jerusalem and meeting up with Marty and Michael Gale and their Celebration Dance team at Jaffa Gate. One hundred thousand young people are converging upon Jerusalem today, gearing up for Jerusalem Day tomorrow (commemorating the re-capturing of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War). As Marty's dancers whirled and twirled joyfully to the Hebrew music, Israeli kids of many backgrounds were drawn to them, and began to join in the dancing. It was obvious they had never seen these dances before, and they were so very excited to be part of it! I smiled as I observed their eagerness to learn the steps and become part of the jubilation; truly this Gentile dance team was provoking the Jews to jealousy!
A young generation is rising up in Israel with a new courage and a new heart. Pray that they will be the generation to come to faith in Messiah Yeshua and usher in His return! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!
We will be winging our way home to Colorado June 4. Thank you for all your many prayers over us as we have traversed Europe and Israel. It has been a very fruitful trip.
Friday, May 20, 2011
A Fountain in Israel
Monday, May 9, 2011
When evening came we were taken across the city of Sofia to a totally different area, and ushered into a very small building where we had one of the most amazing spiritual experiences of our lives. Both of us felt we were given a rare opportunity to glimpse the Restoration work that YHVH is doing in the earth right now in our time, and it was a
Irena and Stefan, the precious couple who invited us to minister in their Reformed Eastern Orthodox Church, had invited about 20 people to come for the Sunday evening service and hear about the Hebrew roots of their faith. We wondered what the Lord could be doing in this small place, in a church that has been Orthodox in the past, but has a priest (pictured at right with his family) whose heart is now filled with a longing to bless the Jewish people! As the evening progressed we became more and more awed by the Presence of the Ruach (Holy Spirit) and the work that He is doing here. Many of the people originally invited did not come. So who were the 55 people John counted who did come? It turns out many were Jewish people. Some of them told me they were from Jewish families who were forced to confess Christianity in past generations. And many were literally "street people" - the homeless and the poor, the lame and those suffering with addictions. Just as in the parable, the Servant had gone into the streets and invited all who would come fill His hall, when those in the Church remained apathetic and asleep!
On the altar of this church was a lit menorah and two flags: one of Bulgaria and one of Israel. When I went to the piano to worship I sang the great old hymn "Holy, holy, holy" in English and they sang in Bulgarian. Then we sang "Kadosh" all in Hebrew and I explained to them that we were able to join in worship in ONE language because as Zeph. 3:9 tells us, "For then I will restore to the people a pure language." Those whom the Father is drawing into His hall to be made ready for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb are also learning to worship Him in His one pure Hebrew language!
When I taught this group of people they entered in with great hunger and enthsiasm and began to embrace one another in total UNITY of spirit, in one accord! The priest came forward and delivered a message of the history of the Jewish people, from their captivity in Babylon through their persecution by Antiochus Epiphanes, to the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian pogroms and the Holocaust! He called this small gathering of people to unite themselves with Judah as one family in prayer and blessing for one another. Then all came forward to share the Body and Blood of Messiah and the priest called John and me forward to lift the bread and the cup and say the Hebrew blessings! The Kabod of the LORD filled this place and when John prayed over the people at the end, we know that miracles were taking place, not only of physical healing, but also of salvation for those who did not yet know their Messiah! And in fulfillment of a prophecy that has been spoken over Bulgaria as a "healing for the nations," a Russian woman embraced me in sobs and said, "I am are American. Hate! Hate!" And I consoled her and said, "I love you and you love me." It is a beginning!
Already our dear friend Lyubka has begun to organize a Hebrew Roots conference for youth and adults in Varna, Bulgaria for summer 20121 The foundation is being laid. We thank you for your continued prayers as we travel tomorrow to Budapest, Hungary where we will minister in three churches, spreading again the message of the Restoration of all Israel (Romans 11:25)!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Life of Victory in Bulgaria!
Pictured here are Pastor Ilia, Kelly, John and Lyubka. Continue to hold us in prayer as we speak to the businessmen here in Russe tonight. They are all Jewish men from Israel who have businesses in Russe. It will be an amazing time for testimony of our faith and encouragement to them that many of us pray for and stand with Israel in this troubling time. Please pray also against the threat of a third intifada in Israel on 15 May. The Palestinians and Arab peoples are organizing an uprising against Israel on this, their day of Independence. Pray Psalm 83 over Israel each day, my friends.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Come out! Be free!

Father, I believe you called John from his mother's womb and then caused him to spend all these years filling his heart and mind with your Word. Now make your Word to be like an arrow in our hands, that we can shoot into the hearts of Bulgarian, Romanian and Hungarian people! We know you have a great destiny for these nations, and You are calling out a remnant. Abba, make us to be the Light of Yeshua, dispelling darkness in these nations, beckoning the tribes of Israel to learn of their Messiah and return to worship You on Your Holy mountain!"
Monday, April 11, 2011
Spring Cleaning

Friday, March 25, 2011
His Hand Moves the Brush

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Bride Price
Friday, March 4, 2011
Preparing the Bride

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