Dear friends in Messiah,
In January of 2002 I took my first trip to Israel. This trip would forever change my life, my understanding of Scripture, and the direction of my spiritual journey. I was on a study tour with ministers from several nations and our teacher and guide was a young man named David Pileggi. David was the person who "removed the veil" from my own eyes. Through his teaching and his passionate love for the Land and the people of Israel, he opened my eyes to my inheritance as a part of Israel, and to the unspeakable joy of embracing and keeping the Torah.
Now, nearly seven years later. David is an ordained Anglican priest and Rector of Christ Church in Jerusalem (the oldest Protestant church in the Old City). This church also has a very special place in my heart. I will quote briefly from my book,
Keeping Watch Over Israel:
"Under the sanctuary of Christ Church is an aquaduct discovered by archaeologists. Worship there often led me into meditation on the passages in Ezekiel 47 that describe the River of Life, which will flow from the Temple in the New Jerusalem. Perhaps that old aquaduct is still in place to carry the
mayim chaim, the living waters, from the New Temple. On either side of the river will be trees, like the trees growing in the pastoral garden of Christ Church, and their leaves will be healing. How often I sat in that little courtyard of Christ Church, sipping hot tea, enjoying the cheerful symphony of song birds, and the safety and sweet shalom of that place. Surely the leaves at Christ Church already have healing leaves!"
Worship at Christ Church is also a powerful experience of the presence of the Holy Spirit. More than once I heard a chorus of angels in that ancient sanctuary. And this year, as in years past, there will be many busloads of Jewish Israelis who will stop at Christ Church on Christmas Eve to experience the service. Word has gotten around that "something special" happens there. So, David Pileggi has written to me to ask me to fast and pray with him and his staff this coming Monday, Dec. 22. I feel led to pass this prayer request on to all of you. Even as my eyes were opened in Jerusalem to the Covenant I have with Yahweh through the Torah - so now may the veil be removed from hundreds of Jewish eyes this coming week as they hear the glorious Truth of their Messiah! Pray that the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) will soften their hearts, and break through traditions and old mindsets.
I know it seems quite odd and ironic that it might be a Christmas service that would touch the heart of a Jew - but our Lord works mysteriously, and his ways our higher than ours! Below are Rev. David's suggestions for prayer (in his words). Thank you so much for uniting your voices and hearts to those at Christ Church Jerusalem and fasting for a time this Monday, asking Yahweh to again
"cause a great miracle to happen" during this week of Hanukkah!Some suggestions for prayer:
• the joint Hannukah/Christmas celebration for the Hebrew and English congregations on the 21st.
• our witness to our Muslim neighbors.
• during the Open House on the 24th, we will have many hundreds of Israelis coming through Christ Church. Please pray that the Lord will open their hearts to the message of Yahshua the Messiah.
• the Heritage Centre staff and volunteers will be talking to many groups and individuals. Pray that God would give them grace and strength, and that they would have unity and compassion together as a team.
• for good weather on the 24/25th. Otherwise pray for rain, rain, and more rain. We are currently in the midst of a severe drought.