On the night before last I was unable to sleep. I awoke somewhere around 3:00 am and tossed and turned in my bed until I finally decided to wander out to the couch and turn on the TV. I hoped some droning voice might lull me back to sleep. Instead, I was utterly amazed to hear the sweet voices of Batya and Barry Segal singing, "On the walls of Jerusalem I have set watchmen..."! "Oh, Father, " I prayed, "thank you, this will minister to me and put me back to sleep." But then I bolted straight up on the couch in astonishment. I saw the large ceramic tiles of the four living creatures on the wall where they were standing, and then the familiar buildings, neighborhoods and landscapes beyond the wall. They were standing on the roof of the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations where I had lived for five months!
The camera continued to pan the surrounding area over which I had prayed, sung, danced, wept, and walked every day during those months, and once again my heart began to yearn for Israel with deep longing. In those moments I realized how terribly I miss the watches and the camaraderie of my brothers and sisters from all the nations, and the unspeakable joy of knowing I was HOME. Then another remarkable revelation came to me when the leader of that ministry, Tom Hess, walked out to the microphone and began to preach from the Bible. Despite the hardships I endured there, I looked into his face on that TV screen and felt gentleness. I blessed him. I prayed for him. And the Spirit began to show me what that time was really all about for me personally. He said, "It was to prepare you for persecutions yet to come; to teach you to bless your enemies and pray for them."
This was powerful revelation and this morning I feel strongly led to share it with you, as I know in my spirit that very difficult days are ahead of us. Are we prepared for the storms to come? Our nation as we know it is about to change. Our freedoms as we have known them are about to change. We face enemies that are not flesh and blood, but are "the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Now more than ever before, as Paul tried to warn us, "Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." (Ephesians 6:12-13).

Have you ever wondered what it means to "stand?" Does that mean stand around and do nothing? Does that mean cling to your silver and gold? Does that mean store up more food? No, the Scripture says, "
After you have done everything, STAND." The Greek word used in Ephesians 6:13 is
histemi (Strongs #2476) and it is defined as "
abide, covenant, establish, hold up." After you have followed Yahweh's instruction and wisdom on how to physically prepare for coming storms, then you have only one thing to do and it is the most important thing you will ever do: Abide (remain hidden) in the Lord Yahshua - stay in Covenant with Him and His Promise - and establish yourself firmly on the Rock! Don't be afraid. Don't get depressed and lose heart. Don't lose your faith. Don't concentrate on the collapsing economy or the strange, devastating weather. Don't be swept away by the spectacular l
ying signs and wonders that will be performed. Keep your eyes fixed on Yahshua, the Author of your Faith, the Eternal One, the Righteous King, the Great Shepherd, the Rock of Ages! He says, "Blessed are you when you are persecuted for My Name's sake."
Have you cast aside all fear of man and learned to bless your enemies and those who persecute you? And then after you have done everything, beloved, STAND.
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