In our Torah study this week we read again the familiar story of Jacob wrestling with the "man" whom we know to be Yahshua (Jesus). But this time we read through it, something new emerged. This is not unusual, is it? Scripture is, after all, living and active!
In Genesis 32:22 we are told that "Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabok river." Examining the Hebrew, we learned that the word jabok means "to be emptied, or to be poured out." How appropriate! After all, what happens to us when we get into a wrestling match with God? His desired result is that we will be emptied of ourselves, becoming a poured-out drink offering, a living sacrifice to Him.
As we "cross the Jabok" we struggle in the flesh. Our fleshly nature wars against the Spirit because we want to stay in control of our lives, and we want to hold onto whatever form of pride that keeps us comfortable. And if our fleshly nature is unwilling to let go and be emptied, then God touches the socket of our hip - or whatever place in us represents a stronghold of pride and self-aggrandizement - and we are left with a limp.
It reminds me of the time in Israel when, after about 4 months of not being allowed to lead any corporate worship, the Leader finally invited me forward to sing and lead. I was suffering with acute laryngitis and could not utter a word or a note! I went up to the microphone hoping that perhaps Yahshua would heal me on the spot and allow my voice to soar, but nothing came out. Not a sound. I was emptied and poured out. I was left with a limp.
I am grateful for that limp now. I am blessed because of the journey across the Jabok River. I do not seek to lead worship anywhere; but once in a while Yahshua surprises and blesses me with the opportunity, and I am filled with joy that it is never about me, but always about HIM!
The Man Jacob wrestles with is Yahshua, the Son of God Himself, who is always the manifestation of God upon the earth. No other could bless Jacob and change his name, as well as his character. In the light of this revelation, Jacob then names that place Peniel, which means the face of God. In Genesis 32:30 he says, "It is because I saw God face to face and yet my life was spared." It is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands (or the grasp) of the Living God! And if you desire with all your heart to see your Redeemer face-to-face and learn of Him, it is certain that you must first cross the Jabok River to be utterly emptied of yourself, and then wrestle until you limp. If it feels like you lost the match, congratulations. You won!
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