The first night of the week I had a terrible demonic dream. It was a frightening dream and when I awoke from it, I felt the Holy Spirit was showing me that as the worship leader of the camp, I needed to summon the troops for warfare against every foul spirit that would try to attack, distract, and destroy us as we sought to become the Bride of Messiah. About 40 in number, we gathered that morning for worship and I called each one from the youngest (two weeks old) to the oldest, to prepare for battle. We began to worship Adonai Tsava'ot (Lord of the Angel Armies) in song, prayer, dance, and Scripture. We closed this powerful time of worship by blowing the shofars and literally marching out into the camp, where we anointed all the doors, windows and walls, sealing off the enemy!
It was an important lesson to us all, that we not just gather to celebrate the Feasts of the Lord with a casual attitude. These are holy convocations for all generations, and we are seeking to be a people set-apart to God; we must not forget that that will always incur the wrath of the enemy!
An article by Francis Frangipane puts it this way:
The Central Issue in Tribulation: Worship
One does not have to penetrate deeply into the Revelation of John to discover that both God and the devil are seeking worshipers (see Rev. 7:11; 13:4; 14:7, 11). Time and time again the line is drawn between those who "worship the beast and his image" and those who worship God.
In the last great battle before Jesus returns, the outcome of every man's life shall be weighed upon a scale of worship: In the midst of warfare and conflict to whom will we bow, God or Satan?
Yet, while this warfare shall culminate in the establishment of the Lord's kingdom on earth (see Rev. 11:15), we must realize the essence of this battle is the central issue in our warfare today. Will we faithfully worship God during satanic assault and temptation? True worship must emerge in the context of our lives now. For no man will worship through the great battles of tomorrow who complains in the mere skirmishes of today."
Amen! We were reminded many times during the week that the Bride of Messiah is probably not going to be dressed in lace and white satin as these great battles are waged. Our dear friend Mike Clayton is often quoted as saying "The Bride will wear combat boots!" That is because the Bride of Messiah is a warrior bride - she is an overcomer - and she carries dual weapons: the testimony of Yeshua and the keeping of His commandments.
We feasted on delicious food, enjoyed a magnificent wedding cake, danced before the Lord with all our might, and experienced unspeakable joy. The enemy had been vanquished! The "tribes" were reunited as our men joined together in the Dance of Reunification, the names of each of the 12 tribes written on their arms.
As Frangipane further stated, "The Lord's purpose with Israel in the wilderness was to perfect true worship, which is based upon the reality of God, not circumstances. The Lord knows that the heart that will worship Him in the wilderness of affliction will continue to worship in the promised land of plenty."
Thank you, Father, for the lessons. Thank you for times in the wilderness, and opportunities for the Refiner's Fire to mold and shape us, no matter how painful. Thank you that our hearts remained steadfast in this Great Feast, and as we came into the Wedding Banquet, we worshiped in the promised land of plenty. Now keep us ever vigilant, still covered with Your armor, joyfully marching on, marching on till your return..