Then three small children who were with me came over and began to tug on my sleeve. They urged, "C'mon, let's go. We need to move forward. Let's go!" I was feeling a deep, profound heartache, as if my heart were literally breaking in two, and I told them, "You go on ahead. I will catch up with you." When they'd left the room I walked over to the window and peered out. I watched as the three children took a grocery cart and began taking it up a steep path that was covered with very large rocks. I saw them doing their best to navigate over this difficult path. Then I turned back to the group of people in the room and firmly told them, "I cannot go back. I cannot and I will not turn back." Then I woke up.
There were tears streaming down my cheeks. I knew by the Spirit that this dream was from God and that a line was being drawn. But I was curious about the children, so I inquired of the Holy Spirit, "Who were they and what did this mean?" Immediately He responded to me, "They are the children of Israel. They are headed on the Second Exodus toward Mt. Zion - and the way is narrow and difficult. Catch up with them!"
In an amazing confirmation of this dream a dear sister sent me a prophecy she recently received that was so similar to my dream it left me reeling. This prophecy, from Bill Burns, also involved people getting ready to cross over a very difficult path to Zion, but being told they must leave all their baggage behind. Here is part of what Bill saw:
"At this point I began to see that each piece of baggage had a name on it. I saw bondage and unbelief labels on some, and others were called compromise, works of the flesh, fear, and many other things that had become attachments to this world. I had also noticed that those who carried brief cases had never set them down...not even for a moment.
The labels on the brief cases were identifying different kinds of ministries.
The Master then spoke, "The baggage that you have brought with you belongs to the Second Day, and you cannot bring it with you. You must decide, for those things cannot be brought into the Third Day. If you will leave your baggage and cross over by faith, I will deliver you from the bondages of the Second Day and bring you into the glory of the Third Day where all things become new. This is the time of the Great Crossover. Come, My people, for the bridge is finished. Cross over now before the night comes and the way cannot be found. Forget those things which are behind you, and press forward into a bright and glorious new day."
The labels on the brief cases were identifying different kinds of ministries.
The Master then spoke, "The baggage that you have brought with you belongs to the Second Day, and you cannot bring it with you. You must decide, for those things cannot be brought into the Third Day. If you will leave your baggage and cross over by faith, I will deliver you from the bondages of the Second Day and bring you into the glory of the Third Day where all things become new. This is the time of the Great Crossover. Come, My people, for the bridge is finished. Cross over now before the night comes and the way cannot be found. Forget those things which are behind you, and press forward into a bright and glorious new day."
It's funny, isn't it, that many of us did not realize our baggage could include ministries we are hanging onto even after the season has ended. I am not so attached to any of my worldly possessions that I could not leave them behind in a New York minute! But my ministries? The Spirit had to show me in a dream that that is the "brief case" I have not wanted to set down.

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