I confess to the tension I've been feeling in my spirit as we approach the Democratic National Convention and the increase of "wars and rumors of wars" all around the globe. It seems we've returned to the "Cold War Era" and distant childhood memories of drills to hide under our desks in case Russia bombed us. But something happened today that not only distracted me from the heaviness of world news, but also returned me to my place of refuge, my shield, and my very great defense: Yahweh Jireh - the LORD our Provider, who cares for the tiniest and most defenseless among us.

I don't know her name - this tiny, defenseless one. She is probably only 3 or 4 weeks old, abandoned, and for some reason choosing my back porch to hide and hope for a meal. She's a tiny grey tabby kitten, obviously lost and terribly frightened. After 48 hours of hearing her pathetic cry, my heart finally broke and I put food and water on my back porch for her. I watched through the back door window as she gobbled the food, slurped the water, and then curled up contentedly in the sun, occasionally glancing up at the window with her huge green eyes offering gratitude.
Then I realized what I had done! I had provided for her, and now she would adopt this as her home! "I can't keep her, Father," I moaned. "My cat would freak out, and besides I travel too much." His answer was a shalom that simply washed over me. I left to teach Bible study at my parents' retirement home. After the study I agreed to stay for dinner in their dining hall. As we stepped off the elevator, a woman I'd not met before motioned for us and asked if we'd please join her for dinner. Somehow in the midst of our dinner conversation I mentioned the tiny abandoned creature on my back porch. Doris' eyes began to glisten and she exclaimed, "A kitten! I have been wanting a kitten so badly! I have combed the papers and cannot find one!"
What were the odds? Why did I stay for dinner tonight? Why did Doris invite us to her table? Are these very small incidents not arranged by the Father? Is His heart not as broken as mine over the little kitten without food and water? Did He not provide a home for the kitten, and some love and joy to Doris?
Will He not do that for us, His children, in the midst of wars and famine and plague?
i like ur blog