Since the U.S. has continued its policy of pressuring Israel into giving away her land we have had a tornado strike Mt. Zion Church in Jerusalem, Arkansas, a 6-foot-wide hole on the Temple Mount itself (from an earthquake that struck Lebanon and Israel), an earthquake in Mt. Carmel, Illinois, and TODAY A TORNADO THAT STRUCK DAMASCUS, ARKANSAS AND SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS!
By now, is there anyone - ANYONE? - out there who doubts that the King of the Universe is speaking to us? Is ANYONE ELSE able to cause the earth to shift and the winds to rage so precisely that they strike single, small spots with significant NAMES of ISRAEL?
As Israel toys with the idea of giving away land in the Golan Heights to Syria, the LORD strikes the small town of Damascus in Arkansas, as a warning, a caution, a reminder of who HE IS and WHERE HE HAS PUT HIS NAME. Yet, in His great mercy He has not yet stricken the Damascus of the Bible, as prophesied by Isaiah 17:1,7: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins. In that day men will look to their Maker and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. They will not look to the altars, the work of their hands."
This is His message, isn't it? How much more precise, accurate and clear could He be? "Look to Me, your Maker, the Holy One of Israel! Stop trusting in the strength of men and governments! I alone am your Salvation (your Yeshua); I alone am your Peace (your shalom)!
And the Lord speaks this oracle against Damascus:
Isaiah 17:12-14: "Oh, the raging of many nations - they rage like the raging sea. O, the uproar of the peoples - they roar like the roaring of great waters! Although the peoples roar like the roar of surging waters, when He rebukes them they flee far away, driven before the wind like chaff on the hills, like tumbleweed before a gale. In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone! This is the portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us."
Here is the AP news report about today's tornado, which also struck the town of Siloam Springs. There is an absolutely ASTONISHING parallel in Scripture. Read on:
DAMASCUS, Ark. (AP) - Violent storms rolling across the nation's midsection killed seven people in Arkansas today, including a teenager who died when a tree fell into her bedroom and a father and son when a possible tornado hit their mobile home.The storms spawned numerous tornadoes in much of Arkansas, where some 350 homes were damaged or destroyed. Emergency officials said at least two schools and a fire station were damaged.The 15-year-old girl died in the early morning as she slept and her 10-year-old brother suffered minor injuries when the storm hit their mobile home in a working-class neighborhood of Siloam Springs.
In Luke Chapter 13 we find an amazing message from the Lord Jesus. He is actually answering the question here of why some die in natural disasters, even if they are good people. We might be asking, "Why did this teenager have to suddenly die in this "freak accident" in Siloam when a tree fell into her bedroom? Was she being punished because she was a terrible sinner?
By now, is there anyone - ANYONE? - out there who doubts that the King of the Universe is speaking to us? Is ANYONE ELSE able to cause the earth to shift and the winds to rage so precisely that they strike single, small spots with significant NAMES of ISRAEL?
As Israel toys with the idea of giving away land in the Golan Heights to Syria, the LORD strikes the small town of Damascus in Arkansas, as a warning, a caution, a reminder of who HE IS and WHERE HE HAS PUT HIS NAME. Yet, in His great mercy He has not yet stricken the Damascus of the Bible, as prophesied by Isaiah 17:1,7: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins. In that day men will look to their Maker and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. They will not look to the altars, the work of their hands."
This is His message, isn't it? How much more precise, accurate and clear could He be? "Look to Me, your Maker, the Holy One of Israel! Stop trusting in the strength of men and governments! I alone am your Salvation (your Yeshua); I alone am your Peace (your shalom)!
And the Lord speaks this oracle against Damascus:
Isaiah 17:12-14: "Oh, the raging of many nations - they rage like the raging sea. O, the uproar of the peoples - they roar like the roaring of great waters! Although the peoples roar like the roar of surging waters, when He rebukes them they flee far away, driven before the wind like chaff on the hills, like tumbleweed before a gale. In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone! This is the portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us."
Here is the AP news report about today's tornado, which also struck the town of Siloam Springs. There is an absolutely ASTONISHING parallel in Scripture. Read on:
DAMASCUS, Ark. (AP) - Violent storms rolling across the nation's midsection killed seven people in Arkansas today, including a teenager who died when a tree fell into her bedroom and a father and son when a possible tornado hit their mobile home.The storms spawned numerous tornadoes in much of Arkansas, where some 350 homes were damaged or destroyed. Emergency officials said at least two schools and a fire station were damaged.The 15-year-old girl died in the early morning as she slept and her 10-year-old brother suffered minor injuries when the storm hit their mobile home in a working-class neighborhood of Siloam Springs.
In Luke Chapter 13 we find an amazing message from the Lord Jesus. He is actually answering the question here of why some die in natural disasters, even if they are good people. We might be asking, "Why did this teenager have to suddenly die in this "freak accident" in Siloam when a tree fell into her bedroom? Was she being punished because she was a terrible sinner?

Luke 13:3-5, Jesus says, "I tell you no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Of those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them - do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! BUT UNLESS YOU REPENT, YOU TOO WILL ALL PERISH."
Astonishing parallel - from 2,000+ years ago to today - in a place called Siloam - the Lord cries out to His people with the same message. After John Chapter 9, Jesus sent the blind man to the POOL OF SILOAM and told him, "Wash and you will SEE."
On my knees I pray that many are washing...and hearing...and seeing...
The same day these tornado's happened in the heartland ,US leaders were busy working hard and overtime with their demon driven nefarious agenda against Israel.
ReplyDeleteThe holy One of Israel is busy Himself also on behalf of His people and his land.
Sadly ,as in Jeremiah's day no one is listening ,only a very small remnant see and understand.
The rest trust in Egypt to save them including Israel who has religiously turned to Washington for peace and rejected God's command in Exodus 23 to make no agreements with the moon god pagan occupiers of His land.
1.As international donors met in London to provide aid to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority, US President George W. Bush included $200 million in funding for the PA as part of a supplemental budget request sent to Congress Friday
2.Quartet presses Israel over settlements, Gaza blockade,7340,L-3538726,00.html
While Sudan and the Arab world get away with murder ,Israel is restrained by all the nations from defeating the destroyers ,Hamas.
Only Israel is required to commit sacrificial suicde to her enemies for nothing but lies in return.
Can you see the evil of America's leadereship here ?
Every time Israel defends herself the world rages against the Jews preferring that they lie down and die quietly as they did not long ago during the rule of another dangerous dreamer.
Today the U.S. military bombed homes and a hospital in Baghdad and the world is silent.
Can you imagine the outcry from these hypocrites if Israel had done this accidently and not on purpose like the U.S.did ?
All Jews needs to snap out of their stupor and understand that the world ,starting with President Bush wants Israel erased from the earth in order to bring about his version of peace in the Middle East.
This evil President wants a contigious Palestinian state and that means a non viable swiss cheese like, divided up Israel in the middle of demon posessed enemies bent on killimng every Jews.
I don't say it lightly when I compare Bush to Hitler as his agenda will lead to the same mass slaughter of Jews.
He already has much innocent blood on his hands while the Christian community give him a wink,a nod and a pass for his already great evil against Israel.
Joel 3;2
The second holocaust begins by way of peace and again the majority of God's people are silent or helping Israel's chief divider/enemy.
3.U.S. attack damages hospital, Iraqi official says