As I pulled into the Office Depot parking lot today, something came on the radio that took me captive and I simply could not turn it off. I sat in the parking lot for many minutes listening to Bible teacher Dr. Tom of Beit Shu'va. He initially caught my interest because he was speaking about what he feels is happening in the spiritual realm in this time between Purim and Passover. Both these festivals recall times when the children of Israel were chased and threatened with slavery and/or annhilation. Like Dr. Tom, I too have been feeling the intensity in the Spirit, knowing the enemy is stirring up his warfare against all God's people. But the reason I couldn't turn off the program was that the speaker took me completely by surprise with what the Spirit spoke to him. He said he had been feeling called to fast during this time period - and expected the Lord would direct him (as usual) to a fast from certain foods or meals, or to a juice fast. However, the Spirit said to Dr. Tom, "I call you to fast from your own understanding." Then the Lord led him to Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."
I turned off the radio, but sat there a long time, pondering this word: "Fast from your own understanding." Surely the Lord is saying to us, "You're trying to figure out what is happening in the world and how I will respond, and how it's all going to turn out, and what you should do about it. Be still and know that I am Yahweh - I AM. Acknowledge me in all your ways, and I will direct your paths."
As I meditated on this, I realized that trying to figure things out in our own finite, limited understanding has done nothing but cause us to fear. FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real!
These days between Purim and Passover are days to do spiritual warfare by fasting from our own understanding and rejoicing in the One who led Israel out of bondage in Egypt and kept them safe from the plagues! These are days to rejoice in the blessings of the God of Israel who hung the traitor Haman on the gallows, and saved the Jewish people. These are days to keep our eyes on Y'shua, the author and FINISHER of our faith! We cannot fully understand what is happening as Cheney and Rice meet with Israeli leaders, and Moscow demands to hold a peace summit, and Syria holds "secret talks" with Israel to get back the Golan Heights. Our minds reel with all the political ads and jargon, and we feel the tension as nations like Pakistan and Kenya erupt into horrific violence because of election results. Good grief, we can barely understand what's happening with our friends and neighbors who are losing their homes to the mortgage meltdown, and the families who cannot afford to pay $3.00 for a loaf of bread!
And the Voice of the Shepherd says, "Fast from your own understanding."

It will be a good fast - as I turn it all over to the LORD - and trust Him with all my heart!
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