Verses 19-22 recounts, "Isaac's servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of living water there, but the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen and said, 'The water is ours!' So he named the well Esek, because they disputed with him. Then they dug another well, but they quarreled over that one also; so he named it Sitnah. He moved on from there and dug another well, and no one quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, saying "Now YHVH has given us room and we will flourish in the Land."
The Hebrew word means "opposition, dispute, quarrel." The word Sitnah means "enmity, hatred."
Is this not what we see happening both in the physical and the spiritual in Israel today? All the wells of living water have been stopped up by the filth of the idol worship of Islam. The Jewish people are not even allowed, at this point, to go up to the Temple Mount and no Jew or Christian is allowed to pray in that area. The mountains of Ephraim and the lush hills and valleys of Judea and Samaria are overwhelmed with mosques, their green-lighted towers like stagnant algae overgrowing a fresh-water well.
Not only in Israel is there OPPOSITION, DISPUTES AND QUARRELING over the Living water and the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua. These wells have been stopped up all over the United States of America, and last night we saw it spew forth all over the city of Paris. It is time to be about the work our forefather Isaac demonstrated for us. When he got to the well he named "Rehoboth" it was a prophecy of a time when there would be no more opposition, no more quarreling, and the people of God would expand and flourish in the Land. Rehoboth means to expand, or to make room. Finally a well was opened that re-claimed Isaac's inheritance from his father, Abraham. This well was not just prophetic of the re-claiming of the physical land of Israel to its rightful owners; it was also prophetic of all the generations forward who would walk in the promises of our inheritance through Isaac's seed, the Messiah, Yeshua, and find the well of salvation. Isaiah 12:3: "With joy you will draw water from the wells of Yeshua (salvation).
When I got online this morning to put a finishing touch on my message, I had an e-mail from a dear sister in Georgia whom I have only been with a few brief times, but whose spirit flows in tandem with mine as we have prayed and sought the Lord over the past few years. Judy Bauman has a beautiful, prophetic ministry (The Father's Love International Ministries) and a daily devotional called "Jewels From the River." Just last night she sent out a word she had received some time ago and said "The Lord says He is now bringing this to fruition." The word is titled "Clean the Wells of Your Inheritance" and the link is here: http://thefathersloveim.org/clean_the_wells_of_your_inheritance
What a witness that this is strong on the Father's heart right now! In Geneis 26:25 we are told that "Isaac built an altar there and called on the name of YHVH. There he pitched his tent, and there his servants dug a well." Here we have our instructions for moving forward to advance His Kingdom.
1. Build an altar. This means to worship the LORD. Spend time with Him, come into His
Presence with thanksgiving, and into His courts with Praise! Thank Him in advance for what
you have not yet received! Praise His name in everything, declaring His goodness and His
blessing in your life!
2. Pitch your "tent" (your sukka). Sukka means "to dwell." Make room every day for that time
to dwell in the Presence of the Living God. Cultivate a close relationship with Yeshua, and
daily dwell on His Word.
3. Dig a well. Judy Bauman's word says this:
“It is time for the Wells of your Inheritance, the stopped up wells, to be cleaned out. How much inheritance do you think you have waiting for you when My word states that I show love to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments? Many that loved Me throughout time were kept from My completed purpose being fulfilled in their lives, so My storehouse is full of Promises waiting to be claimed! Their unfulfilled destinies are part of your inheritance, Child!
Re-digging the well of your inheritance will open up the "storehouse of Promises waiting to be claimed." So what are you waiting for? There is much digging and cleaning to do as the Bride gets ready for her Bridegroom, made clean and pure and filled with LIVING WATER!