"The tree represents Evil - the enemies of MY Kingdom. The woman represents Prayer. I call My people to skillfully bring down the evil that would kill and destroy - and this kind can only come down by Prayer."
I felt this was an urgent Passover message, since the enemy is battling so hard to bring down the people of God JUST BEFORE THEIR DELIVERANCE! And of course it caused me to revisit the passage where Yeshua had to teach his disciples why they were not able to cast the demons out. He instructed them, "This kind can only come out by prayer." Did He mean they should have left on the spot and met somewhere to pray?" No, that would have been too little, too late. He meant that they needed to CULTIVATE A DAILY PRAYER LIFE. Had they been
spending time communing with the Spirit of God and praying to Him when they got up in the morning and when they lay down at night, they would have been what we call "prayed up" - which means they would have already been filled with a great indwelling of His Spirit, and would have been fitted with the armor of God in Ephesians 6, ready to do battle against those demons!
If we are prayed up, we shall be like the woman, able to bring down the large limbs of evil, the constant darts of the enemy, and cast them effortlessly down by the Power of Him who resides within us.
Shalom and may your Passover and Firstfruits feasts be a great celebration of your Mikveh (immersion) through the "Red Sea," which is the Blood of our Risen Messiah Yeshua!
Chag Sameach,