Dear friends,
We are out in Hershey, PA visiting my son and his family. What a joyful time, celebrating my grandson's 8th birthday and bonding with our two-year-old great-granddaughter! These are the times of which great memories are made.
I have had it on my heart, though, to write and suggest to you some places to visit for your own health and for possible gifts (if you do that in this season). This year it seems more uppermost in our minds than ever to try to guard our health and our immune systems in all the ways we can.
We have a dear friend in Missouri who has, over the last four years, been developing her own small, home-based company by making pure essential oils, soaps and healing balms. She knows many of us struggle with being able to afford these wonderful healing products, and so she is making and packaging them herself, keeping her prices very low. I personally bought several of her products and find them to be of superior quality. Please visit her website and let me offer a few personal testimonies:
The "My Aching Balm" rub for sore muscles and joints has worked better for John's painful back, knees and arthritic joints than anything on the market. I have a problem right now with tendonitis in my ankle and this balm has been an amazing help to me also, as it really takes away pain and soreness very quickly. We love it!
The "Protect" oil is similar to Thieves and is wonderful for staving off sore throats and protecting our immune systems. We are using it lots during our times in airplanes and airports, and John has been successful in stopping night time coughs with it.
My daughter purchased the "Inhale" oil and all three of her children are getting over winter colds and flu really fast with that wonderful oil.
And last, but definitely not least, her STAIN-OUT soap is nothing short of amazing!! I've used every kind of stain-remover there is on the grocery store shelves with no luck at all in really getting stains out. Her STAIN-OUT bars are made of pure coconut and other oils, AND THEY REALLY WORK! At only $1.50 per bar, they will last a long, long time.
I also want to remind you about my friend Rosemary's awesome linen products. Sleeping on her finely crafted linen sheets and in our linen sleep garments has been a huge blessing to us, and with Rosemary's lower prices, it's affordable. The 5000 frequency of linen proves that it is "God's fabric"; even the fabric He chose for His High Priest to wear! The high frequency protects from germs and keeps you wonderfully warm in winter and cool in summer (only God could invent that, right?!)
Lastly, I want to again recommend a product called VIRATTACK I found a couple of years ago on that brings healing from viruses extremely quickly. So much better than the terrible HOT concoction I've made before, these little drops dissolve into a glass of water without much taste, and go to work very quickly to fight some of the worst viruses.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob keep you safe and healthy this winter season, and may you be blessed and bless others with some of these wonderful, healing products.
AND DON'T FORGET TO VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR INSPIRING CDs and BOOKS as you look for gifts that will uplift and edify friends and family in the faith!! My prices are also very low and you will bless this ministry greatly with your orders.
VISIT and click on the STORE page