Are your worried about your 401K? Are you concerned about your job or perhaps looking for one without much success? Are you finding yourself feeling more and more nervous and anxious? This morning the Spirit of God instructed me to turn to the chapter in my book entitled Relaxing With God and re-print a piece of it here to share with you. I pray it will bring you shalom, as I describe for you the peace of God invading even a terrifying night in the Middle East:
"Road blocks were set up everywhere by police and IDF soldiers. It took us over one and a half hours to get home, a drive that would normally have taken 15 minutes. It did not take us long to figure out that everything was gearing up for the infamous "Muslim Night of Power" when the Muslims all go to the mosques to pray and then often erupt into much violence. As their feast of Ramadan draws to a close, the Muslims reach fever pitch and the Israelis brace for the outbreaks of violence. On this particular night three of us gathered together in a small prayer room with huge windows that overlooked the city below. Rifle shots rang out everywhere and there was angry shouting and people running everywhere. Women grabbed their children and herded them frantically into houses. As we began praying God's Word back to Him, He began to reveal a wondrous thing to us. He kept taking us to Scriptures speaking of the earth as His footstool and the enemy as being under His feet, such as Psalm 110:1: 'The LORD says to my LORD: sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.' Pretty soon one of the watchmen began exploring what posture God would be in to have His feet propped on a footstool. We began to see Him as relaxing in His recliner, and in this vision, God showed us a picture of His Rest. The Lord is not up there in heaven wringing His hands, wondering what to do about this AntiChrist spirit! He showed us another picture of Yeshua, asleep in the boat in the midst of the great storm on the Sea of Galilee. That is God's Rest - His Shalom - amidst all the violence of the earth. He showed us His feet propped up on the earth, His footstool, and reassured us that His plan of redemption and restoration is secure. The Hebrew word shalom is comprised of four Hebrew letters; and since all Hebrew letters have a meaning associated with them, the literal translation of the word shalom spells this: DESTROY THE AUTHORITY THAT ESTABLISHES CHAOS. Truly, this is the meaning of peace in the Hebraic sense. Satan is the authority that establishes chaos; but when we are walking in Yahweh's shalom, Satan is under His feet!"