Yahshua will not return again to physically sit down at the table with His family until Israel is finally restored as one united Kingdom again, in the City of the Great King. When all the scattered tribes finally awaken to know who they are as part of the Restored Israel, and cry out, "Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai!" (blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord) - He promises He will return to rule and reign in His Kingdom in Jerusalem, once again lifting the cup and drinking of the fruit of the vine with His family.
Each year for thousands of years from their exile the Jewish people have ended their Passover celebration by crying out, "Next year in Jerusalem!" Why? Because they have kept alive in their hearts the hope and the prayer that one day they would all be reunited in Jerusalem to keep the feast. But there is a much greater cry coming from our hearts today. Do you feel it? It is the tension we feel between the "He is coming soon!" and the "not yet."
This morning I heard two bird calls from my bedroom window. First I head the mourning doves who have a nesting home on the roof of my house. I listened to their mournful calls, and realized my heart has been mourning, groaning also. Then I heard the melodic chirps of a mocking bird bursting forth in rejoicing! Somewhere between the two there was silence. "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth, right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies" (Romans 8:22-23).
The birth pains are getting closer and closer together, and we feel squeezed in the birth canal between the pushing and the "not yet." We feel caught somewhere between the mourning and yearning and the rejoicing. We are, like the ancient Israelites, in the wilderness between the glorious mikveh and redemption through the Red Sea, and the entrance into the Promised Land.
And so when I cried out with my brothers and sisters , "Next year in Jerusalem!" I prayed with all my heart that next year we would literally be in the City of God, sharing the Cups of Salvation (Yahshua) and Hallel (Praise) with our Messiah and King! It is soon...but not yet.