
Friday, August 13, 2010

What's in Your Back-Pack?

The original dream God gave me is now probably over a year old. This week He caused me to re-visit it as He said, "You looked at it in the natural. You didn't get it. Look again, through the lens of My Holy Spirit."

In the dream I was in a prison camp, wearing a drab uniform with a number on it. Many of us were milling around in this forested camp, surrounded by a high, impenetrable wall. Suddenly I heard my name blaring over the loudspeaker, summoning me to the front gate. There I found a tall, stately man whom I did not recognize, speaking with a prison guard. The guard informed me this man had papers that could release me if I wanted to go with him. I asked for a couple of moments to "think." I was given three minutes to make my decision, and in this time I prayed and asked the Lord if I should go with this man. He responded, "Yes, I sent him. Go with him."
I returned to the front gate after quickly retrieving the back-pack I had come into the camp with. This pack was all I had when I came in. The tall man who came for me inquired if there were four very specific things inside my pack, insisting that I would need them on my journey. He asked,

"Where is your poncho?"
"Where is your knife?"
"Where is your passport?"
"Where is your silver?"

I answered each question according to where this item really was in my home or car. The man gently but firmly admonished me, "You should have had these four things with you."

Immediately after that I woke up, and for the past year I have continued to think of these things as literal, physical things I should have in my immediate possession. But this week the Lord must have shaken his head in exasperation, and said, "Poor child, she did not understand the meaning of the dream." By His grace, He explained:

"The poncho represents your covering. You will not survive without Yeshua as your covering. He is your Head and your authority. You must go or speak under His authority. Your knife is the "Sword" of My Word. You must have it deposited deeply in your heart and your mind, able to recall it for wisdom, discernment and warfare whenever you need it. Your silver symbolizes righteousness. Righteousness means 'doing the right thing.' Always have your silver with you, meaning you are clothed in Christ, living and moving in His righteousness. And finally, your passport. Ah, dear child, your passport is the white stone with your new name written on it. If you are to escape the camps of the wicked and move through the traps of the enemy, you must have the white stone as your passport. It is your faith in Me, trusting that I am able to deliver you. You are marked as My own."

How foolish I was to think the Holy One of Israel wanted me traveling with a back-pack in which I would store a rain poncho, a knife, a passport, and some silver coins! How much more powerfully He speaks to us than we can sometimes understand! Now I will daily search the "back-pack" of my mind and heart: Do I have His covering, His authority, His Word, His Righteousness, and His deliverance fully manifested in my spirit and in my life? If so, I have nothing to fear. I am ready to go with the man at the gate.

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