
Saturday, June 8, 2013

None At All Exalt Him

In our weekly bible study at the retirement home where my elderly parents reside, we are studying the book of Hosea. I believe the choice to go there (made by one of our students) was definitely Spirit-led, for just this time. Even a current DVD movie on the book of Hosea is getting popular attention. We watched it last night and we were deeply moved.

Hosea, of course, is a book of prophecy, mainly written to Ephraim, the northern kingdom of ancient Israel. But the real definition of this prophetic work is that it is a redemptive love story - a love that most of us cannot comprehend. It is the story of the unconditional love of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob toward His people Israel - even when they were unfaithful to Him and had utterly abandoned Him, to worship false gods. YHVH did not give up on them, even as Hosea (walking out God's message in the flesh) did not give up on his unfaithful wife. What wondrous love is this?

I was captivated this morning by the verse in Hosea 11:7. It says, 'My people are bent on backsliding from Me. Though they call to the Most High (El Elyon), none at all exalt Him."

I have pondered this verse for three hours this morning, asking El Elyon to show me what this means for us today. Here is what I heard:
You come to me in prayer, but you launch into your petitions for all your needs, as if it is all about you. Even when you pray for the needs of others, you are putting your earthly desires before the praise of the Most High. Come into My Presence with Thanksgiving, and into My courts with Praise! Exalt My Name above all gods, and acknowledge My holiness. Take off your shoes, for you are standing on Holy Ground. Bow before the Holy One of Israel and sing praises unto Me! I long for the praises of My people; I wonder if you remember who I Am. I want you to be all Mine, filled with the light of My Presence. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness! Worship Me and then my ears shall be attentive to your cry.

There is a reason we call it "praise and worship," not "worship and praise." I am grateful for the reminder this morning, from the Creator of the Universe, that I must come into His courts first with the praises of my lips - which then will lead me deeper into the worship of His holiness and sovereignty in my life. Then, as I lift my prayers and needs to him, I will be fully aware that He is the God who created me, who knows me intimately, who hears me, and who answers in His mercy and grace.

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